Chapter 110

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 110 Allowing you to share the day and night (13)
The air is so dull that it freezes, like the suffocating depression before the storm.

 "You know," Chen Yu shook his hands, and handed the warranty certificate in front of Xiao Wu, only to feel dizzy, and his eyes turned black, "You always knew, didn't you?"

 After a moment of dead silence, the man suddenly erupted, and he Throwing the piece of paper on the ground fiercely, he roared with stretched veins: "You know I'm Chen Yu's clone, don't you!?"

 Xiao Wu trembled violently when he shouted, and his eyes fell on the paper at his feet in horror. on the warranty.

 On the name "Chen Yu".

 "Yes." Xiao Wu said tremblingly, "I know."

 As if he had been sentenced to death, Chen Yu's body shook slightly as if he couldn't support it. Xiao Wu hurriedly stretched out his hand to help him, but he savagely swung him aside.

 "So, I'm still nothing?" Chen Yu was chilling all over, showing a smile that seemed to be crying, and he almost wanted to applaud this joke featuring himself as the protagonist, "I was someone else's mother twenty years ago. Son's substitute, is he still a substitute now?"

 "What do you think of me? Your old master? As expected of Heng Xin, after twenty years, you still miss your first master, right? are really kind ..."

 "That's not the case..." Xiao Wu shook his head desperately, "Ayu, I..."

 "Shut up!!" Chen Yu pointed at him roughly. The darkness, low self-esteem and sensitivity accumulated deep in my heart broke through the shackles and roared out again. The truth of twenty years ago made him have nightmares for several years. After meeting Xiao Wu, he thought he had come out, but he didn't expect to be betrayed by the closest person for the second time!

 The truth this time was even crueler than the first time, like a poisoned sharp knife completely pierced his heart, causing him to lose all his sanity.

 He didn't want to hear anything.

 He won't believe anything.

 Turning around suddenly and entering the bedroom, Chen Yu completely locked the door, and smashed the things in the room like crazy. Xiao Wu was crying, and tremblingly leaned against the door panel. But he didn't dare to knock on the door, and he didn't dare to call Chen Yu's name to explain everything to him.

 Because Chen Yu just told him to "shut up".

 Chen Yu is his lover, but he is also his master. The instructions engraved in the chip make it impossible for him to disobey any orders and requirements of his master. He could only bite his lip and cry silently, the pain in his chest made him unable to straighten his waist.

 How strange, he obviously has no heart, but at this moment he is heartbroken for the people in the room.

 It was late at night, and there was gradually no sound in the house. Xiao Wu didn't know if Chen Yu had fallen asleep, so he tried to push the door, but it still didn't move at all, so he slid against the door and sat on the ground, hugging his knees with his arms, and buried his head deeply in, just like that Moku sat all night.

 Early the next morning, the door finally opened. Chen Yu has regained his former composure, dressed in formal attire, looking coldly at Xiao Wu who is sitting on the ground.

 Xiao Wu didn't sleep all night, so he stood up quickly, staggered with numbness in his legs, and his face was full of caution: "Ayu, you, are you better?"

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