Chapter 32

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 32 The attacking omega (8)
Ding Hong asked Xiaomeng, "Have you been hiding here?"

 "Yes." Xiaomeng said, "I came in looking for gasoline, who knew there were so many eight-legged zombies hidden inside, and they dragged me to I couldn't run out, I just threw a flare outside in time. I couldn't beat so many zombies, I thought it was over, but it turned out that this little brother saved me."

 He smiled and embraced a thin figure, Only then did Everyone realize that there was another stranger here, and it was a male omega of about fifteen or sixteen years old!

 "You... Hello, my name is Jiahe." The young man was visibly nervous facing a group of strange and fierce alphas , and greeted them cautiously.All the alphas present were not Wei Hao's kind of rubbish who would get angry when they saw an omega, they all responded with gentlemen's salutes, and even took a step back, so as not to make the omega feel oppressed and scared.

 Jiahe showed gratitude Ding Hong was about to ask him about the situation here, when he glanced at the corner of the room inadvertently, he suddenly became vigorous: "Is that a zombie?"

 Everyone looked over in surprise, and sure enough, there was a chair in the corner with a zombie tied to it-- Although the degree of zombification is not so serious, it still maintains the human form, and its body is not decomposed, but its neck and face are covered with black dark lines, and its pupils are hideous white. It cannot be regarded as a human being no matter what.

 Everyone drew their guns and took aim, the omega named Jiahe suddenly stood in front of the zombie, opened his arms to protect it, and begged: "Don't kill him! He is my brother!"

 Ding Hong frowned: "Even if he is your relative, But he has already been bitten, if you keep him, you will kill yourself sooner or later."

 "No," Jiahe shook his head, "he still recognizes me."

 Xiao Meng also said: "I can testify that this zombie will not attack people ."

 After hearing this, everyone temporarily put down their guns even though their doubts had not disappeared.

 Jiahe heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and walked to the bound zombie, and gently touched the pale side face of the zombie with his palm: "Brother, it's me, Xiaohe."

 The zombie let out a terrifying howl that was very different from that of humans, but it didn't bite him. Instead, it tilted its head and gently rubbed against Jiahe's palm, and its ferocious expression gradually calmed down.

 Everyone was amazed, this was the first zombie they saw that still retained a little bit of self-awareness after being bitten.

 "What's going on here?"

 Jiahe said sadly, "My brother became like this to save me."

 It turned out that they were a pair of fifteen-year-old twins, the elder brother was called Jiashu, and he was an alpha, and the younger brother, Jiahe, was an omega. Both their parents died in the disaster, only the brothers depended on each other.They also rushed all the way to the shelter in the city center, and wanted to stop at this repair shop on the way, but encountered a new type of spider zombie. Jiashu was bitten in order to protect his younger brother during the battle, but he didn't lose his mind immediately. Instead, he protected Jiahe and found this hut to take refuge, and told his younger brother to tie himself up immediately, and then gradually lost consciousness.

 When Jia Shu first turned into a zombie, he also denied his relatives, opening his mouth and howling to bite Jia He. Jiahe felt uncomfortable seeing his brother like this, so he cut his own skin and let his brother drink blood.I don't know if it's because of the deep connection between the twins, but after drinking his younger brother's blood, Jiashu actually regained a little consciousness, stopped howling wildly, and resolvedly refused to drink Jiahe's blood ther after one time

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