Chapter 91

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 91 Amorous (30)
Hua Xingzhou was very surprised.

 The monster race is cruel by nature. For hundreds of years, in order to prevent the birth of the monster race from causing trouble to the world, the Celestial Clan has been firmly sealing it in the realm of the Demon Race. Therefore, the Yaozu has always regarded the Tianzu as their nemesis, and they are extremely afraid of them. Hua Xingzhou has been fighting against the monster clan for many years, but this is the first time he has seen a monster who is not afraid of him.

 Hua Xingzhou is not a bloodthirsty person. Seeing this little fox's demon power is thin, his breath is pure, and he looks innocent and ignorant, he knows that it has never done anything evil, so he let it die, and put it back by the fox's furry neck. on the ground. Unexpectedly, as soon as the little fox landed on the ground, he persevered and crawled back along his unretracted arm, grabbed his collar with his little paws, made two pitiful soft calls, and his big eyes were full of desire. Weeping, it seems to be pleading.

 The little fox was limp and trembling, Hua Xingzhou understood why: "Are you afraid?"

 Thinking about it, in such a chaotic and dangerous land, a weak fox demon could be passed by at any time The big demon caught him and filled his teeth.

 "You've found the wrong person." Hua Xingzhou wondered, "I can't take you in."

 As His Royal Highness of the Celestial Clan, it is absolutely impossible to save a Monster Clan.

 The little fox seemed to understand, and the paws pawed even tighter. It could be seen that Hua Xingzhou hadn't responded for a long time. Its big eyes finally lost their brilliance, and its ears drooped, and it jumped back to the ground listlessly.

 Hua Xingzhou said "I'm sorry" apologetically, then turned and left. After walking two steps, I don't know what happened, so I couldn't help but look back, only to see that little fox was still staring at his back, looking like he wanted to chase but didn't dare, every time his little body heard The roar of the monster beast came from a distance, and he couldn't help shivering, looking really pitiful.

 Hua Xingzhou's eyes were tangled, and he couldn't walk for a moment. At this moment, two white lights flashed in the distance. They were the soldiers of the Celestial Clan who responded to the order. Hua Xingzhou's heart tightened, he didn't have time to think, he stepped forward and quickly picked up the little fox, stuffing it into the clothes on his chest.

 "Your Highness!" The Celestial Clan warrior reported loudly, "It has been checked and the demon tide has completely retreated!"

 Hua Xingzhou turned around with a calm face: "Okay, let's go back."

 On the way back to the heaven, Hua Xingzhou had a faint headache. Just now he just wanted to save the innocent little demon's life, but he did something stupid in a flash of his brain. So bring that little demon back to the heavens! Everyone in the heavenly world regards the monster race as extremely evil things, if this little fox monster is discovered, the fate will be even worse.

 However, things had come to this, and he could no longer pull out the little fox from his chest in full view, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and lead thousands of soldiers back to the heavenly realm to meet his father, empress and empress.

 The Emperor of Heaven is more than two hundred years old, but his appearance has remained around forty years old. He has a good appearance, and he has an aura of not being angry and arrogant. Even if Hua Xingzhou returns from victory, he does not have much joy on his face. He does not praise a word, but teaches in a deep tone: "Even if you win, don't relax. Star Zhou, you must always remember that you are responsible for the hope and future of the entire Celestial Clan, and you must not disappoint me and all the people of the Celestial Clan."

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