Chapter 73

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 73 Amorous (12)
Zhe Yu opened his eyes.

 The person sleeping next to him has already left, and his residual body temperature is still on the bed.

 Zhe Yu sat up slowly, his face, which was always smiling obediently during the day, had no expression on it , and looked extraordinary cold under the cold moonlight.

 He was awake all the time, but pretended to be asleep, and Brother A Miao got up and left quietly.

 Sure enough... are you looking for Xie Yunhan again?

 The young man sat alone on the bed for a long time, the unwillingness and jealousy in his eyes became more and more serious, finally he clenched his fist as if he had made up his mind, got off the bed, concealed himself, and walked out of the side hall.

 He came all the way to the bamboo courtyard, coincidentally, the door of the house was not closed tightly, leaving a small gap, Zheyu quietly opened the gap, and walked into the house

 . table was quietly burning. Zhe Yu took a few steps, turned around a screen, and the scene in front of him was caught off guard.

 The man named Xie Yunhan was pressing his brother A Miao on the bed, pinching his waist and kissing him .

 Zheyu has seen brother A Miao in many ways, gentle, free and easy, funny... In his heart, the image of brother A Miao is tall and reliable, because the other party has been protecting him since the first meeting, as if Sitting on a towering mountain, shield yourself from all the bitter wind and rain, and prevent yourself from being wronged and hurt.

 In Zhe Yu's heart, Brother A Miao is a god-like existence, who is omnipotent to make him look up to, and is also superior and cannot be desecrated.

 But he didn't know until now that Brother A Miao had another mood.

 His brother A Miao suddenly changed from a tall and reliable protector to a gentle and seductive vine, sending himself into another man's arms in a gesture of attachment and submission.He hooked the man's neck, leaned back his upper body slightly, bent his collarbone to the man's lips; his eyes were half closed, and there was a faint glimmer of moisture in his eyes, and the red mole at the corner of his eye was covered with tears. The candlelight became more and more beautiful, and there were a few low-pitched laughter from time to time, accompanied by intermittent panting.

 Like a goblin that seduces the soul in the dark night, it is enough to make anyone who sees lose their minds, or even go crazy.

 Zheyu is not that exception.

 The young man stood there fixedly, his eyes were almost red, while being attracted by the crazy temptation, while being burned and gnawing at his heart by jealousy

 . Brother Ah Miao show such a demeanor in front of others?

 Why can't Brother A Miao belong to me alone?

 Why can't the person who hugs him, kisses him, and possesses him absolutely...can't be me?

 When a young man first learned about love, he was dragged into the abyss of endless desire unexpectedly, and the cruelty, paranoia and almost pathological possessiveness in the nature of ghosts finally broke through the confinement uncontrollably and emerged. The young ghost king felt the rusty taste after biting his mouth, and cleaned his palms hang his sides tightly, so strong that his bones made a crisp sound of "cracking".

 The extremely faint voice was caught by another person, Xie Yunhan paused for a moment, turned his head to look over sharply, and his piercing eyes precisely fell on Zheyu's position.

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