Chapter 44

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 44 Overbearing apprentice Qiao Shizun (7)
Zhao Yao returned to Luoxue Pavilion, locked himself in the room, and buried himself in writing all afternoon in front of a few cases.

 He is born with a tenacity, but he really has no way to write. After writing on dozens of thick rice paper, none of them catches the eye.

 "If you don't grasp the essentials, no matter how much you write, it will be useless."

 Zhao Yao was startled, and he stood up quickly, only to realize that he was too involved just now, and he didn't even know when the master came in. The extremely ugly words made her face turn red immediately, wishing she could get into the cracks in the ground.

 When Chu Hongyuan and others laughed at him, he was more angry and unconvinced, but when he thought that his master might look down on him because of this, Zhao Yao felt extremely uncomfortable, and a bitterness spread from the bottom of his heart to the tip of his tongue. He bowed his head and couldn't say a word.

 But Xu Xi didn't ask anything, picked up the pen he had put aside, and wrote the word "Yao" in block letters on the snow-white rice paper.

 "Holding the pen should point to the palm, hold the pen on the finger, and move the pen on the wrist." Xu Xi said while writing something casually on the paper, "Don't glance at it when writing a post, and write every word in one go. Seeing

 that Zhao Yao still had a confused look on his face, Xu Xi motioned him to sit down, walked around behind him, asked him to hold the pen, and then took his hand holding the pen.

 Zhao Yao's hand shook violently uncontrollably, and a drop of ink on the pen tip was thrown out, slowly smearing on the paper.

 "Remember this posture of writing." Xu Xi leaned slightly behind him, adjusted the position of Zhao Yao's fingers, and then led him to write the word "Zhao Yao" slowly.

 "This is the strokes of your name. Do you remember?"

 Zhao Yao nodded indiscriminately, and gave a vague "hmm".

 In fact, he doesn't remember anything.

 Not to mention the strokes of his name, he almost forgot his own name now. All his thoughts were concentrated in two places incomparably clearly: Master's fingers holding him were cold, but there was an indescribable softness; Looking at his right ear, a strand of blue silk hangs down the side of his neck, with a faint wisp of sandalwood sticking to it, scratching his neck a little itchy.

 Zhao Yao's whole body was stiff, he didn't dare to move, his right ear was so red that it was about to bleed, and he broke out in a hot sweat in just a few short breaths.

 "Write your own name first," Xu Xi let go of his hand, straightened up and said, "I'll give you two more copybooks, and you can practice according to them when you have time. Practicing calligraphy is a long-term thing. Do n't be impatient."

 Zhao Yao calmly breathed a sigh of relief, saying yes again and again.

 After Xu Xi left, Zhao Yao carefully picked out the two pieces of paper that Xu Xi had written, and stared at them for a long time. In addition to repeating his name a few times, there was also a line of characters that Zhao Yao couldn't understand, so he could only vaguely guess that it was a line of poetry. He used a wooden box to put the two pieces of paper away with great care, and put them together with the unlined clothes that his master gave him.

 In the next few days, while recovering from his injuries, Zhao Yao settled down to practice calligraphy. He was not stupid at first, and he made rapid progress, and he was able to write well, so he went to Zangshuge to continue copying books every day.

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