Chapter 75

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 75 There are so many styles (14)
To be precise, the frontier is an endless and vast jungle. Countless towering ancient trees with a lifespan of thousands of years occupy this land. The thick roots are twisted underground, and the strong branches are criss-crossing, covering the sky and the sun, making this area shrouded in a layer of mysterious and strange colors all the year round. .

 When Xu Xi arrives, the sun will be setting. The quiet and gloomy night, the erratic mist in the forest, and the faint rustling of insects make this mysterious area even more eerie.

 Even though Xu Xi had always been very courageous, he was a little panicky when faced with this situation. However, the third target positioned by the system was inside, so Xu Xi had no choice but to calm down, rubbing the goosebumps on his arms and walking in.

 Countless trees and rocks overlap, and there is no way to find the ground. Fortunately, Xu Xi has a system to navigate, and with a short sword in his hand, he forcibly cut a road. After walking for about an hour, dark clouds suddenly gathered over the forest, and there was a loud bang, thunderbolts, pale lightning blasted from the black clouds, and a thunderstorm poured down.

 Xu Xi became a drowned chicken in an instant, but there was nowhere to hide in the woods, so he had to speed up and run forward. The thunderbolts and thunder in his ears continued, and each sound shook people's hearts, as if the god of thunder was angry and wanted to strike the whole earth. smash.

 Xu Xi's footsteps stopped suddenly.

 Not just lightning and thunder.

 Among them, there is a faint long roar!

 He caught the sound, adjusted his direction and rushed over.

 The roar became clearer and more terrifying than thunder. Xu Xi pushed aside a clump of tall bushes, as calm as he was, he couldn't help showing deep horror and shock in his eyes.

 A lion and a leopard are fighting happily.

 The male lion was nearly four meters long, and its long and dense yellow-brown mane was wet and stuck to its head and face. Its limbs are strong, its claws are sharp, its eyes are shining terrifyingly in the dark night, it is roaring in extreme rage, the muscles of its face are twisted violently, revealing its blood-stained fangs, staring at the opponent in front of it with vigilance and hatred .

 Its opponent was the black panther, three meters long, completely black, with only a pair of bright yellow eyes shining arrogantly.

 Xu Xi found that both beasts had been seriously injured. One of the lion's front legs was dripping with blood, bending and trembling. It was obvious that the bone had been broken. A gash more than one meter long was torn out of the black panther's abdomen, and the blood that flowed out stained the ground beneath him red.

 The two sides seem to be evenly matched, if you ignore the six or seven dead lions on the ground around them.

 Looking at the situation, it seems that the black panther slaughtered seven lions by himself, and even ended the battle with the remaining lion!

 Xu Xi was still amazed in his heart, the two beasts in front of him roared and ran towards each other again. The male lion's forelimb was injured, and his movement speed was limited, but the black panther seemed to be unaware of the opening in his stomach. With smooth lines, it seized the opportunity with high speed and knocked the lion to the ground!

 The male lion roared, and before he could stand up, the black panther opened its mouth wide and bit the lion's side ribs, blood spurted and flesh flew all over the place!

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