Chapter 80

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"Blame Him Too Cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 80 Amorous (19)
Can not remember?

 Ao Shuo stared sharply at the Demon Race opposite him, trying to judge whether he was lying: "You don't remember anything? Where's your name?"

 Xu Xi had a headache and his chapped lips trembled slightly: "I... I seem to remember my surname is Yun, I really can't remember the others..."

 Ao Shuo examined him for a while, walked to the bedside and looked down at him, stretched out his hand to pinch his jaw, forcing the other party Look up and look directly into your own eyes.

 His strength was great, with the force of interrogation, Xu Xi couldn't help but frowned in pain, the mist in his eyes became thicker, and soon condensed into water droplets, which silently gushed out of his eye sockets, and hit Ao Shuo's face with a thud. hand.

 "It hurts..."

 He cried out in pain, the tears were obviously warm, but Ao Shuo seemed to be scalded, and suddenly let go of his hand.

 His skin was very fair, Ao Shuo only pinched it, leaving a blue bruise on his chin. He sat there, weeping silently, the long and dense eyelashes covered with crystal clear teardrops, fluttering gently like butterfly wings, sweeping straight to the tip of the person's heart one after another.

 The captain of the guard, Gao Ying, had previously lamented that the Rabbit Queen was gentle and pleasant, but if he could see this scene, he would surely sigh again, but it was a pity that he was not one-tenth as good as the one in front of him.

 Xu Xi is as firm as a rock, invincible against all odds, but if he wants to become weak, he can easily make countless men crazy.

 Not to mention the "male chauvinist" who is overprotective in front of him.

 Ao Shuo's heart trembled inexplicably, and a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes: "Why are you crying!?"

 His tone was fierce, Xu Xi seemed to be frightened, trembling all over, biting his lip and daring not to make another sound, But the tears flowed even harder.

 Ao Shuo frowned impatiently, not knowing why his emotions would cause inexplicable fluctuations to a demon, so he turned his head away, out of sight and out of mind, and said coldly: "If you can't remember it, keep thinking about it, and when you think about it, explain it to me." !"

 He turned to leave, but the person behind him softly called him: "Wait..."

 Ao Shuo paused and turned his head impatiently.

 "Can, can you give me some water to drink?" Xu Xi cautiously asked with red eyes, "My throat hurts..."

 His voice was indeed hoarse, and he couldn't make out the original sound at all. Make people feel uncomfortable. Ao Shuo paused, and gestured for the guards to pour water.

 The guard looked shocked, thinking that this demon clan was simply too shameless. He had such a bad attitude when he faced him just now, but he was so soft when facing the king! But in front of Ao Shuo, he didn't dare to jump a fart outside, and immediately took orders.

 Ao Shuo was about to leave, but Xu Xi let out an "hey" voice again, showing the iron cuffs on his wrists and ankles with difficulty: "This...can you remove it for me?"

 Ao Shuo's face was covered with ice: "You Where are there so many demands?"

 "This thing is very heavy, and it hurts to lock it..." Xu Xi looked at him pleadingly, "I really have no malicious intentions or threats, please let me go.

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