Chapter 12 The School Bully Must Be Good

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 12 The school bully must be good (1)

After Xu Xi traveled through the second world, she found herself in a car driving at a constant speed.

 At this time, apart from him, there was only the driver who was concentrating on driving. Xu Xi closed her eyes and slowly received the information sent by the system.

 This body is named Li Yan, his father Li Changfeng is a well-known entrepreneur in the local area, and his mother Liu Ru is also a lady, and her family is very wealthy. Li Yan was also an only child, and he was overly doted on by his parents since he was a child, and asked the stars not to give the moon's favor. When he found out that something was wrong, Li Yan had completely grown into a crooked tree. Fighting, bullying classmates, and taking the lead in violating school rules, from elementary school to high school, Li Yan can be described as an ironclad "school bully" and a "cancer" that makes countless classmates and teachers fear and loathe.

 Later, Li Changfeng participated in a charity event, and after discussing with his wife Liu Ru, he decided to adopt another child. This child is called Song Jiayou, and he is also the protagonist of this world.

 Li Changfeng and Liu Ru treat Song Jiayou as their own, but Li Yan can't accept that there is an extra "brother" to share everything with him. His attitude towards Song Jiayou has always been very bad. Intensified, he led his followers to surround and beat Song Jiayou many times in school. It was not until Li Yan was admitted to university and left the local area that Song Jiayou's life became easier.

 After going to university, without the control of his family at all, Li Yan's behavior became more outrageous, and he often mixed with some social idlers, and finally got involved in a particularly serious fraud case and was sentenced.

 At that time, Song Jiayou, who was doing well in a famous university, went to see Li Yan in prison because of his adoptive father. Li Yan cried bitterly and begged him to find a way to get him out. Song Jiayou just sneered and left. Li Yan couldn't accept such a big gap in life, and couldn't think about it for a while, so he committed suicide just like that.

 After receiving the information in her mind, Xu Xi confirmed the current timeline again-fortunately, back when Li Yan and Song Jiayou were still in high school, everything was still in time.

 "Although this world doesn't seem to be very difficult," Xu Xi said to the system, "I'm already old, and when I come back to play a middle school student, I still feel a little ashamed."

 The system expressed disbelief: "You don't even have a face, how can you feel ashamed?"

 Xu Xi: "..." That's right, my boss is getting more and more obnoxious.

 The car stopped slowly, and in front of him was a rather impressive school - Yucheng High School. Yucheng High School is the school with the best teaching quality and the highest enrollment rate in the city. Li Yan and Song Jiayou both go to school here. It's just that Li Yan was stuffed in by his father with money, and Song Jiayou's grades have always been ranked first in the grade department.

 Xu Xi picked up her schoolbag and got off the car, walking towards the school gate.

 It was early morning at this time, and the students in blue and white school uniforms walked towards their respective classes in twos and threes, and the laughter and laughter were filled with the vigor of young people. It's just that when they inadvertently saw the figure of the tall boy in the crowd, the chatter and laughter would disappear immediately as if they had pressed the pause button, and each of them pulled their companions away from the boy in fear as if avoiding the plague.

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