Chapter 50

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 50 Domineering apprentice Qiao Shizun (13)
Xu Xi was trapped in Tianmozong for more than half a month, and was tortured enough by Zhao Yao. Coupled with his depressed mood, his figure quickly lost weight, and the white clothes he was accustomed to wearing seemed much empty. Zhao Yao saw it in his eyes, although he didn't say anything, he was worried in his heart.

 On this day, Xu Xi was sitting in front of the window, lost in thought, when he suddenly heard a familiar meow. He turned his head in surprise, and a small thing rushed into his arms, with two little paws grabbing his skirt and meowing like a baby.

 "Xiaotu?" Xu Xi was overjoyed, and hurriedly hugged it into her arms, scratching the soft hair on the back of its neck with her fingers.Xiaotu squinted his big round eyes contentedly, and his voice became even louder.

 Zhao Yao then walked over, and when Xiaotu, who was acting like a baby, saw him, he immediately arched his body, the hair on his body stood on end, Obviously he was extremely vigorous and afraid of the man who had captured him.

 I haven't seen him for two years, and it doesn't recognize Zhao Yao at all, let alone remember that the gloomy-looking man in front of him is the boy who carried him back to Luoxue Pavilion back then.

 "I brought it here," Zhao Yao said, "This thing is noisy, and it can relieve your boredom."

 Xu Xi lowered his eyes, although he knew his intentions were good , his face was still cold, and he didn't say anything.

 Zhao Yao didn't expect Xu Xi to talk to him. In fact, they had been in this cold state for a long time. In the past half month of being imprisoned in the Demon Sect, Xu Xi turned from fruitless resistance to passive resistance . He regarded Zhao Yao as air, and would not say a word to him for a whole day. Only at night was he bullied so badly in bed. Then he scratched his back fiercely, sobbed and let out a few unbearable muffled groans.

 Seeing Xu Xi's low eyebrows and cold eyes, as if he was out of sight and out of mind, Zhao Yao consciously stopped disturbing him, turned and left.

 "You were caught by that bastard too," Xu Xi scratched Xiaotu's ear, and asked, "Do you like it here? If you're not used to it, I'll ask him to take you back."

 Xiaotu meowed in front of him.Rolling on his legs, he exposed his soft belly for Xu Xi to touch. Xu Xi rubbed it a few times with a smile, and his mood was indeed much more comfortable than before.

 Seeing the familiar owner, and the man who scared him just now has also left, Xiaotu boldly jumped to the ground, and began to explore the new environment with great curiosity. After getting a little familiar with the surroundings, it reverted to its old ways and started to have fun everywhere, meowing and jumping from the floor to the bed, and then from the bed to the storage box next to the bed, one kicked the box down hard, the contents inside flipped out.

 Xu Xi sighed helplessly, walked over to clean up the mess for the little ancestor, and picked up the stack of papers that had fallen on the ground.

 The handwriting that came into view was extremely familiar - it was Xu Xi's own handwriting.

 On the first piece of paper was Zhao Yao's name several times, and on the second piece of paper was written a short line of poem.

 "It used to be difficult for the sea to be water, except that Wushan is not a cloud."

 Zhao Yao stood behind him at some point, and read the line of poetry in a low voice: "I was illiterate at the time, and I didn't know what you meant. I couldn't see you In the past two years, I have recalled everything related to you in my mind every day. One day, I remembered that you taught me to write, and suddenly wanted to know what you wrote in your essay,so I secretly went back when you were not around I went to Luoxue Pavilion and stole these papers."

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