Chapter 68

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 68 Amorous (7)
Seeing that the little ghost king was very nervous and frightened, as if he was about to cry, Xu Xi hurriedly stopped, thoughtfully kept a safe distance, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." The

 little ghost king was still trembling Trembling, the fear and vigilance in his eyes never retreated. Xu Xi thought for a while, picked up a plate of pastries, knelt down and handed them to him: "Eat something first if you're hungry." The

 little ghost king set his sights on the plate of sweet and tempting pastries, and couldn't help swallowing it quietly. drool. He seemed to be really hungry, and finally couldn't resist the temptation. He grabbed two pieces of cake with his little hand and started to gobble them up, his choked face flushed, and he wanted to swallow it desperately. Xu Xi felt so distressed when he saw it, she hurriedly poured him a cup of tea and handed it over: "Eat slowly, drink some water first!" The

 little ghost king took the cup and drank it dry in one gulp. He looked like a small one, but his appetite was astonishingly large. He wiped out four plates of pastry and fruit in one go before he burped lightly.

 "Full?" Xu Xi looked at him with a smile.  The little ghost king

 nodded timidly, and whispered: "Thank you, thank you.


He got nervous, pressed his lips tightly and didn't speak.

 Xu Xi was considerate and didn't ask any more questions, but changed the question: "What's your name, can you tell me?" The

 little ghost king hesitated for a moment: "Zhe Yu."

 "My name is Yun Miao, you can call me brother." Xu Xi Xi cheekyly befriended him, "This is Liuhua Palace, why did you come in?"

 "...Someone is chasing me," Zheyu whispered, "I don't know where this is, and I haven't seen you for a few days." After eating, I ran in to steal some food when I was very hungry, yes, I'm sorry..."

 "It's okay." Xu Xi asked concerned, "Where are those people who chased you? Did you get rid of them?"

 Zhe Yu was frightened all over. Trembling, obviously I don't know.

 "Then do you have a place to go next?"

 Zhe Yu bit his lip and shook his head.

 Xu Xi: "Then stay with me for a while."

 Zhe Yu subconsciously wanted to refuse, and his big eyes were full of vigilance.

 "Don't be afraid, I really have no malicious intentions." Xu Xi smiled and said seriously , "You see I am so good-looking, how could I be a bad person?"

 Zhe Yu: "..."

 This indeed the one he saw. The best looking person ever.

 The ghost world is a black and gray place, as if all colors were plundered by the creator, and there is a dead silence as far as the eye can see. It was the first time for Zhe Yu to see such a lively person, that red dress was like a raging fire, once Fang touched it, it was deeply burned into his mind, making it hard to forget.

 But even so...

 "I know you don't dare to believe me easily," Xu Xi said with a smile after seeing through the hesitation of the little ghost king, "But look, I have such a big palace, and I don't lack gold and silver wealth; Mo, you are a ghost, and your cultivation path is completely different, and I will not covet your power, and I have no reason to harm you."

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