Chapter 106

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 106 Allow you to share the day and night (9)
Alaska is the world-renowned "City of Wind and Snow", with natural ice fields and snow peaks. The second issue of "Super Partner" was recorded in the extreme northern region where the aurora appears.

 The meeting place is a large wooden house standing in the snowy forest. The roof is covered with thick snow, but a warm fireplace can be seen inside the house from the glass window, which looks very warm in this situation.

 Xu Xi knocked on the door, pushed it open, and walked in. A cheerful and powerful male voice sounded immediately: "Let me see who our fifth guest is... Wow, it's Brother Xu!

 " Yu, Xu Xi was about to greet him, but when he saw Lu Chao sitting on the chair facing the door, he immediately forgot what he said, and just looked at him without blinking.

 Lu Chao was also looking at him, with a familiar smile still in his eyes, which was extraordinarily warm against the backdrop of the fire in the house, and easily dispelled the wind and snow chill all over Xu Xi's body.

 "I know that your daily combination is stronger than Jin Jian." Tang Yu's resentful voice came from beside him, "But I was the one who welcomed you so warmly just now, Brother Xu, can you give me a look!?"

 He doesn't deserve to eat fish Forget it, don't you deserve a look! !

 Xu Xi hurriedly looked at him, smiling a little embarrassedly: "Hi, Brother Tang, and Teacher Gu, you guys came early.

 " It wasn't a glamorous little flower, or even a national male god, but Xu Xi, a 38th-tier young lady. This was something that no one, including the program team, had expected beforehand. Now Xu Xi is really popular, the Weibo topic is very hot, and the fans continue to grow. On the way here, he was recognized by several waves of fans, which caused quite a stir.

 Many artists, especially newcomers, are easily dazzled by this kind of starlight that descends on their heads overnight, and become so giddy that they cannot recognize reality, but Xu Xi is obviously not among them. He didn't seem to be affected at all. He was what he was before, and he is still what he is now. Not arrogant or inferior, gentle and polite, with respect and kindness to everyone.

 Few people don't like this kind of personality, Shen Jie and Gu Liang also greeted him with a smile.

 After exchanging pleasures, Xu Xi consciously walked to the chair next to Lu Chao and sat down.

 "It's hot in the room, so you can take off your down jacket first."

 Xu Xi nodded, and was about to untie his scarf when Lu Chao naturally reached out his hand before him to help him take off the scarf, and he took care of his mess caused by the wind and snow hair tip. Xu Xi was a little flattered, and hurriedly whispered a word of thanks.

 Tang Yu originally wanted to chat with Xu Xi, but when he saw this scene, he stopped silently and fell into deep thought.

 If Xu Xi was a girl, then as a partner, it would be more gentlemanly for Lu Shen to help him pick off a scarf , which is normal.

 But Xu Xi is a man!A man helping another man take off his scarf and cut his hair, no matter how you look at it, something is wrong!

 But with Lu's character and status, he absolutely doesn't need wheat bran. So... Could it be true that we live together day and night! ?

 He walked up to Shen Jie and sat down with his hands and feet, and leaned towards him with his whole body.

 Shen Jie disgusted: "What are you doing?"

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