Chapter 84

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 84 Amorous (23)
There was a heavy rain in the middle of the night, and it didn't stop in the morning. It kept falling like beans through a sieve, hitting the eaves with a thumping sound.

 Xiao Yun didn't go out to practice guns, but practiced calligraphy in the room. After writing for a while, he looked up as if feeling something in his heart, and sure enough, he saw the girl staring at him, not only staring, but also a smile in those big black and white eyes, which are innocent on the faces of ordinary little girls, but She is gorgeous, and when she smiles, there is a wave of charm, coupled with the two pear dimples embedded in her white and tender cheeks, it makes people itch.

 That stinky girl is seducing him again! !

 Xiao Yun hastily lowered his head, and with just one glance, he felt a little hot in the base of his ears. He wanted to refocus his mind on the copybook he was writing, but the gaze seemed to be real, making him feel uncomfortable, and he felt that even the posture of holding the pen was not right. Stare at the culprit.

 Xu Xi blinked, looking very innocent: "The young master agreed yesterday to allow the servant girl to watch you."

 Xiao Yun: " just look at it, why are you laughing?"

 "The servant girl is very happy when she sees you ." Ah," Xu Xi giggled, "it's natural to want to laugh when you're happy."

 ... This mouth really makes sense no matter what you say!

 "I think you are idle." Xiao Yun rubbed his right ear, got up and took out a collection of words from the bookshelf and threw it over, "Don't look at me, read a book."

 Xu Xi caught the collection of words and said "oh" obediently With a cry, I read it with the raindrops outside the window. Xiao Yun breathed a sigh of relief silently, touched his ears again, and continued to write with a pen. After a short period of silence, the girl started again:

 "Young master," Xu Xi seemed embarrassed, "I haven't read much, so I don't understand the meaning of this poem."

 Xiao Yun didn't mind being a teacher . , Put down the pen and walk over: "What don't you understand?"

 Xu Xi turned to that page and handed him the collection of words.

 I saw that it was printed in lower script with hairpin flowers:

 jade furnace ice mat mandarin duck brocade, powder melting fragrance and sweat flowing mountain pillow. There was the sound of a pulley outside the curtain, eyebrows raised and a smile startled.

 Liu Yin is light and indifferent, and the hairpins on the temples are low. You have to work hard all your life to make you happy today.

 "Especially the last two sentences, how do you explain 'you have to work hard all your life, and you will be happy today'? I can't even recognize the words." After Xu Xi finished speaking, he looked up and was surprised, "Master, why are you blushing? "

 It's not just blushing, Xiao Yun's face is almost smoking.

 "You-you-" Xiao Yun's hand holding the collection of words was trembling, blushing and yelling that sentence again, "You are a girl, how can you be so shameless!!"

 "Ah? "Xu Xi looked aggrieved, "What's the matter? Didn't you show me this collection of words, young master?"

 Xiao Yun: "..."

 Although he likes to read, he usually reads military tactics, and rarely reads those literary articles poems. He also took this collection of words casually, who would have thought that there were such... obscene words and pornographic songs in it!

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