Chapter 63

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 63 Amorous (2)
The seller was surprised that Xu Xi would choose this person, and explained to him in a low voice: "The palace master doesn't know something, this person's muscles and veins are all broken, he is no different from a disabled person, and he is also a mute."

 Of course Xu Xi knew .

 But now no one would believe that this useless and dumb person would be the future Lord of the Demon Realm.

 As I said before, there are many powerful overlords in the demon world. One of them is Xie Lingtian, who founded the Lingtian Sect. There are thousands of strong demons under his sect, and he is also a force that should not be underestimated in the entire demon world. Although the life expectancy of the demons is longer than that of ordinary people, Xie Lingtian is now more than two hundred years old, and he cannot be said to be a mature man among the demons. Recently, he has become more and more powerless, so he decided to abdicate and choose an heir among his own sons.

 Xie Lingtian has five sons in total, all of them are excellent, and he loves all of them very much, except for one-the youngest son, Xie Yunhan.

 Because Xie Yunhan's mother is a human being.

 Although the human race has risen in the past hundred years, some concepts have been deeply ingrained. In the eyes of most demons, human beings are lowly beasts, worthy of enslavement and slaughter. Back then, Xie Lingtian took a fancy to a human woman's beauty and took her captive. After giving birth to a baby boy, this frail human woman died. The baby boy she gave birth to was regarded by everyone as "a bastard bleeding from human blood". Xie Lingtian's biological father also hated him so much that he directly threw him in the Xie family's cemetery. As a result, seven days later, a servant came to report in surprise, saying that the baby boy was still alive. Xie Lingtian was a little surprised. In a flash, the baby boy was picked up and handed over to the servants to raise it. It took more than twenty years in a flash.

 In the past twenty years, Xie Yunhan has lived a life that is worse than a pig and a dog. Everyone calls him a "bastard", and gives him countless supercilious glances and sarcasm. Even the most humble servants can shout at him. Beat and scold at every turn. His so-called father and brothers have completely forgotten his existence until the heir election some time ago.

 The demons are a race that believes in the law of the jungle to the extreme. They have an unwritten tradition. When each family chooses an heir, they will throw their offspring into the arena. After a fierce battle, the only winner is the heir. The Xie family also adopted this method. Until then, Xie Ling remembered that he still had a young son.

 According to Xie Lingtian's original intention, Xie Yunhan was naturally unwilling to let Xie Yunhan participate in the wrestling, but the family rules passed down from generation to generation are there, as long as the descendants of the direct blood line must participate in the wrestling, Xie Lingtian did not dare to disobey the rules of his ancestors, so he had to hold on The nose made Xie Yunhan go too.

 Everyone thought that this "bastard" who had been silent for many years and had no sense of existence at all would die in this wrestling, but the final result shocked everyone's jaws--Xie Yunhan defeated all four of his older brothers and became the only one. the winner.

 No one knew that such a terrifying power was contained in this silent body.

 After being shocked, Xie Lingtian became furious. He absolutely could not accept a person with impure blood to take over his position, so with his acquiescence, several brothers of Xie Yunhan designed a trap for Xie Yunhan, crippling his whole body. The meridian, poisoned his voice, and finally sold him to the slave market with malice.

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