Chapter 102

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 102 Allow you to spend the day and night together (5)
Xu Xi and Lu Chao walked over, only to find that two more pairs of partners had already arrived on the scene-Tang Yu, Shen Jie, and Zhou Ying, Mengmeng. Seeing the two coming over, the four immediately clapped their hands.

 "It's amazing, you are amazing!" Tang Yu exploded like a cannonball, and clasped his fists together, "Xu Xi, from now on I want to call you brother!"

 Xu Xi couldn't help laughing: "Brother Tang, you are too exaggerated !" "

 It's you who is exaggerating!" Tang Yu said, "You can handle that thing by yourself! My God, I was so dumbfounded just now!"

 "It's really amazing." Shen Jie also said, "Brother Lu is too .We all know that you are afraid of heights. When you saw the content of the mission in the car, you were secretly happy, thinking that you would give up. I didn't expect you to dare to go up."

 Possessing real strength is a kind of strength, but daring to overcome your own limitations Fear is also powerful.

 "Anyway, congratulations to you for winning the first place." Zhou Ying smiled and congratulated, "We are convinced."

 "Thank you, sister Ying." Xu Xi smiled, "You are also very good, women do not give way to men."

 Zhou Ying and Meng Meng was the second group to reach the final challenge point, faster than Tang Yu and Shen Jie. In the last pass, Meng Meng said that she couldn't shoot and could only drive. Zhou Ying was a little worried at first when she saw the little girl's frail figure, but she was shocked when she got in the car. Completed the slalom as smoothly as possible, vividly explaining what it means to have a wild heart under a quiet appearance.

 Meng Meng smiled a little embarrassedly. In order of priority, they challenged on the balance board in the second group. But maybe the weight difference between the two was large, and they didn't calculate their positions well. During the challenge, the balance board dropped sharply to Zhou Ying's side, and the two of them slipped off the board in a thrilling manner.

 "Are you okay?" The

 two were placed on the ground by the sling, and everyone hurriedly gathered around to ask. Both Zhou Ying and Meng Meng said nothing was wrong, but their hearts were really taken aback.

 They failed the challenge, so Tang Yu and Shen Jie continued to challenge. The two handsome guys were about the same weight, and after watching the two sets of challenges, they were more experienced. They successfully completed the task and won the second place. Zhou Yingmeng went up to challenge again, and succeeded this time, taking third place.

 He Fei and Wang Wenxuan, who arrived later, finished fourth, and Gu Liang Zuo Yusheng finished fifth. The first period of all competitions is now declared over.

 "Everyone has worked hard!" The host Liang Hong smiled, "As a reward, the program team provided everyone with a comfortable villa with sea view and a three-day tour of Mingjiang Scenic Spot!"

 Everyone cheered and boarded the bus together. The filming is still going on, and the theme of "Super Partner" is sports + travel, and the life and travel anecdotes of the guests are another highlight of the show.

 After nearly an hour's drive, the bus arrived at the Xijiang villa area. Looking at the beautiful green environment and the rows of beautifully decorated two-story villas, everyone once again exaggerated "Wow~" a few times, and then rushed to their new residence with their partners impatiently.

 Xu Xi and Lu Chao found their building, opened the door and entered with the key provided by the program group. The interior style tends to be Nordic, simple and comfortable, bright and generous. The first floor is mainly the living room, kitchen, dining room, and a family bar, and the second floor is the bedroom, gym, and movie theater.

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