Chapter 25 The Attacking Omega

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 25 The attacking omega (1)
This can barely be called a human face: the overall face is a kind of stone gray, half of which has been completely rotted, the eye sockets are covered with bloodshot eyes, the two eyeballs are turned in different directions strangely, and an unknown red and white liquid flows from the corner of the mouth. Kai opened his mouth with a strong rancid smell and took a bite.

 The above is what Xu Xi saw when he opened his eyes after traveling through the third world.

 He exhausted all his control to prevent himself from howling violently on the spot. Before his brain was connected to the line, the body he possessed had already responded conditioned reflex: a short body avoided the attack of zombies, and his heels drove his body neatly . He quickly drew a half circle around the back of the zombie, raised and lowered the knife without any connection, and stabbed a sharp machete into the temple of the zombie.

 The zombie fell to the ground with a bang, and Xu Xi drew out. the machete covered in red and yellow brains.

 "Tong, let's discuss it," Xu Xi said, "If such an exciting scene comes up in the future, can you give me a notice first? Or make a mosaic." The

 system is also a little embarrassed.It does not have the authority to choose the time point it travels to, it only knows that this world is a crisis-ridden end of the world. Fortunately, Xu Xi had a strong mental quality just now, otherwise, if he really howled out and let people hear him, he might have collapsed. Taking advantage of

 the current safety around, the system quickly sent the world data to Xu Xi.

 This world is very special. The human gender in this world is a bit special, divided into three genders: alpha, beta and omega.Alpha has a strong physique, is aggressive by nature, and is a natural leader and ruler, and the number is relatively small; Beta is relatively moderate, equivalent to the general population, and is the most numerous type of gender; Omega is usually small in size, gentle in personality, and can Pregnancy is the rarest number. And the three genders are not divided into men and women, that is, women can also be alpha, and there are men in omega.

 The villain Ye Yu possessed by Xu Xi this time is a male omega.

 The huge advantages and disadvantages brought about by these three genders can easily divide people into different social classes - the strong alpha is at the top, the beta is the vassal and the enslaved, and although the omega is well protected due to its rarity, the In fact, it can only be reduced to a tool for reproduction and reproduction, without any freedom and human rights at all. But fortunately, the ruler of this country is a great wise man-although he himself is an alpha, he advocates gender equality and freedom for all. Because of this, this country is so prosperous and the society is stable and harmonious.

 However, all peace was destroyed by a devastating virus spread half a year ago.

 An unknown zombie virus suddenly broke out in City G, and then spread to the whole country and even the whole world, and the entire human race ushered in an unprecedented survival crisis. Communications are completely interrupted, water and electricity supply is insufficient, f are running out, and more and more humans are alienated into zombies... The social order that has been stable for thousands of years has been completely destroyed in just a few months. A doomsday crisis broke out together.

 Many people have become more terrifying than biting zombies in this doomsday.

 Of course, there are still some people who retain their pure and good nature no matter in various situations.The protagonist of this world, Ren Feng, is an alpha with outstanding abilities. He is strong and reliable, and most importantly, he always has respect and compassion for the weak. Unlike other alphas in the last days, who regard betas as animals and omega As trophies or tools of lust. Therefore, more and more people gathered around Ren Feng, and gradually formed a powerful group with a great reputation, and Ren Feng became their "leader".

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