Chapter 34

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 34 The attacking omega (10)
Xia Li, Ah Chun and the others still stood there and stared at Xu Xi dumbfounded.

 No way, they were really shocked-the little fish, who is usually extremely delicate, falls flat when walking, blushes when talking, and has teary eyes at every turn, single-handedly knocked down two alphas in less than half a minute. Dahan, this is a plot that makes people dare not dream!

 "I'll explain it to you later," Xu Xi urged, "If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave if someone finds out!"

 Everyone knew their priorities, and hurriedly followed Xu Xi's footsteps as if awakened from a dream. It was found that Wen Xiao did not follow.

 "Wen Xiao, let's go!" Xia Li said urgently, "Why are you in a daze!"

 Wen Xiao stood where she was, her face was pale, her eyes were black and menacing, she stared at Xu Xi without blinking, and asked with trembling lips: "Why?"

 He asked this question really inexplicably, Xia Li and others looked at him without knowing why, but Xu Xi understood.

 Why can you win Ren Feng's love?

 Why are you obviously an omega, when others can only rely on others to struggle to survive, but you can control your life so easily and freely?

 Why are you so lucky?

 Why? !

 "When you treat yourself like a flower in a greenhouse and dare not be exposed to the wind and rain, I have suffered more than you can imagine." Xu Xi answered him calmly, "Gender does not determine your fate, the key depends on you." Choose what to do, dare to do it."

 He took out a gun and threw it to Wen Xiao: "Here is the gun, do you dare to fire?"

 Wen Xiao caught the gun tremblingly, stared at it for a while, Suddenly he pointed his gun at Xu Xi!

 Ah Chun and Jiahe screamed in fright, Xia Li said with a trembling voice: "Wen Xiao, don't be impulsive!"

 Xu Xi seemed to be pointed at not herself, her movements did not change, she looked at Wen Xiao calmly. Shino. Wen Xiao stared at him, her chest heaved violently, her index finger was pressed on the trigger, but she didn't pull it down for a long time. Finally, he slumped down his hand holding the gun, smiled at himself, and threw the gun back.

 Xu Xi glanced at him and turned around: "Let's go."


 "Brother, we haven't arrived yet?"

 Dozens of betas followed the soldiers through the long passage for more than ten minutes and still haven't arrived. Forget it, the key is that the further you go in, the environment becomes darker and colder, and there is still a faint rancid smell in the air, which doesn't look like a place where people live.

 The soldier didn't answer, and walked for a while, then stopped: "Here we are, you go further inside."

 Everyone didn't see anything similar to the dormitory at all, but they still walked inside obediently.

 The soldier walked to one side of the wall, raised his hand and pressed a switch on the wall, only to hear the boom of the switch being turned on, the ceiling above the place where the betas were standing unexpectedly cracked slowly, and a huge black iron The cage suddenly fell down, covering their heads inside!

 "What's the situation?"

 "What is this?"

 Everyone screamed in panic, and a beta named Gong Hao in Ye Yu's team who had rescued Xiao Meng together grabbed the iron cage and shook it twice, and shouted angrily: "You What do you want to do!?" The

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