Chapter 71

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 71 There are so many styles (10)
Although Zheyu is young, his mind is much more mature than his appearance. Although he is a little ignorant about some things, he is not ignorant. What's more... the voice inside the door was so ambiguous that it was too obvious.

 The voice he was most familiar with was no longer as warm and soft as the usual spring breeze, but became slightly hoarse, with a weeping tone, softly begging for mercy, calling a person's name intermittently. The person whose name was called still didn't speak, but he could hear his heavy breathing, which was completely different from his usual calm and indifferent, accompanied by the rustling sound of the cloth, so lingering and charming that just listening to it made people feel blushing and heartbeating.

 Zhe Yu's small face was completely burned up, and he didn't dare to stay in place for a moment, turned around and ran out, like a frightened rabbit, the speed was three minutes faster than when he came, and he rushed back like a gust of wind In my own residence, I climbed into bed and covered myself with a quilt.

 His mind was in a mess, for a while it was Brother A Miao's gentle smile, and for a while it was the subtle sound he had just heard. He didn't know how long he stared in the dark before he fell asleep unknowingly.

 This sleep was very restless, he seemed to have a lot of weird dreams, and he didn't seem to dream of anything. He only felt that his body was hot and cold for a while, and the muscles all over his body were in pain like twitching. Every bone seemed to be forced The ground stretched inch by inch, and he screamed silently in his dream due to the pain. When he woke up the next day, Zhe Yu found that he was sweating profusely, and even the bed under him was soaked in sweat.

 His mind was still a little confused, Zhe Yu raised his hand and touched his forehead, the tentacles were covered with cold sweat, when he put down his hand, he accidentally saw his palm, he was stunned for a moment, then lifted the quilt to scan his body.

 Then he completely stayed on the bed, his whole body seemed to freeze.

 I don't know how long it took before he jumped out of bed and rushed to the mirror as if waking up from a dream. The bronze mirror reflected his shocked slightly dilated pupils and the body of a young man who was strange yet somewhat familiar.

 The baby fat on the cheeks disappeared without a trace, and the immature facial features grew up overnight. Although the original appearance could be vaguely seen, they became more three-dimensional and profound: clear eyebrows, bright eyes, a straight nose bridge, and a gentle smile. The jade-like thin lips were pursed lightly, and his body became tall and thin like a willow branch. He was clearly a handsome young man of fourteen or fifteen years old!

 Zhe Yu blinked, and the boy in the mirror made exactly the same movements as him.

 Only then did he digest this fact.

 ...he has grown up.

 Overnight, from infancy to adolescence.


 picked him up in a daze, and patted his face lightly with warm hands. Xu Xi frowned and snorted, and reluctantly opened his eyes, only to see the man holding him with one hand, and bringing a glass of water to his lips with the other.

 He was indeed very thirsty, his throat was stinging and hoarse like a fire, he lowered his head and slowly drank the glass of water in the man's hand, only then did he regain a trace of clarity and strength.

 Everything that happened yesterday gradually came back to his mind, Xu Xi scolded the person who gave the "immortal fruit" a thousand times in his heart with a blank face, and while struggling, he was relieved to find that Xie Yunhan's favorability was already full.

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