Chapter 77

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 77 Amorous (16)
The big black panther lay on Xu Xi's body, sniffing it once was not enough, and then shook its big, furry black head and arched it around Xu Xi's neck, licking it while arching it. There was a thick layer of barbs on the leopard's tongue, which quickly turned the tender skin red. The feeling was painful and itchy, Xu Xi tried his best to dodge, and glanced under the big black panther, his face became even uglier - this beast really is a dick!

 "Then what, my lord, please bear with me, I'll go and pull the female beast for you..."

 Xu Xi pushed the leopard's big head away with all her strength, got out of bed and ran out. Although it is not easy to find a female leopard in the woods, but at this time, I can't pay so much attention to it. Let's talk about the female leopard casually!

 However, before he took two steps, the big black panther roared maniacally behind him, swooped over with a Mount Tai, and pushed Xu Xi to the ground with his back up and his face down.

 Xu Xi almost coughed out a mouthful of blood, coughed twice and said tremblingly: "I said, my lord, can you have a clear understanding of your weight..." The

 black panther didn't care what he was talking about at this moment, and his front paws died. Holding Xu Xi's back tightly, he lowered his head and leaned over to lick his ear. The black panther's violent anxiety was soothed by the people below him, but at the same time, a more unbearable desire arose. With a low growl, it opened its mouth and gently grabbed the back of the neck of the person under it, and the beast began to rub its body dishonestly.

 Xu Xi was terrified, and his shame almost exploded in an instant. He tried his best to prop himself up with his elbows, but the leopard behind him seemed dissatisfied with the struggle of his "prey", and pressed him down again with a light pat. Get down.

 However, the big black beast couldn't find the way for a long time, roared a few times anxiously, and then quieted down strangely. After a while, the weight on Xu Xi's body lightened, and the leopard finally slowly transformed back into a human form. Xu Xi's hanging heart finally let go, blushing and just wanting to breathe a sigh of relief, the next second, the crisp sound of cloth ripping resounded in the air.


 "... Miao Miao..."

 "Miao Miao..."

 Xu Xi's eyelashes trembled, and he slowly opened his eyes. A drop of cold sweat dripped from the eyelashes, and they smashed to the ground with a thud, forming a dark circle. .

 He was lying on the ground with his right arm as a pillow, his head covered in cold sweat, and his face was pale, as if he had just suffered a serious illness.

 In fact, he had just been made to pass out

 . was the worst rape he had ever experienced. The orc race was on the rise, and the thing was far from being comparable to ordinary people. Fang almost made Xu Xi die once at the beginning. What was even more frightening was that Ao Shuo had completely lost his mind on the way, and uncontrollably changed back to the animal state during the process. What happened after that... Xu Xi no longer wants to recall.

 All he knew was that he must have been torn apart and bled a lot .

 When he moved slightly, there was a sharp pain from the waist down, and cold sweat rolled down his head immediately. Ao Shuo, who was extremely anxious at the side, heard the slight movement, and immediately called repeatedly: "Miaomiao, are you awake?!"

 He didn't know why he lost his mind so completely. Nothing happened. Slowly recalling what he had done, the hot animal blood on Ao Shuo's body turned icy cold in an instant. He trembled and groped to find Xu Xi's breath, and he was relieved when he found that the other party was still breathing.

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