Chapter 60

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 60 The ex-husband who took down the iceberg (9)
Xu Xi blushed, but muttered, "Who is Mr. Shen talking about? I don't understand."

 Shen Mu was provoked by him, and pecked his lips again, pressing his forehead against his. , looking straight into his eyes: " His name is Jiang Ning. Can you hear me clearly now?"

 Xu Xi hummed, wiped away her tears, and broke into a smile.

 "How long have you been waiting for me?" Shen Mu asked.

 "More than half an hour ," Xu Xi said, "After finishing tutoring, I came out and bought some small cakes. They taste delicious, and I want you to try them too."

 "Okay, I'll eat them in a while." Shen Mu said , "You Go take a hot bath first, and be careful not to catch a cold."

 Xu Xi nodded obediently, the large bathroom has a large space and the temperature is low, so Shen Mu let him go to the small bathroom in the master bedroom, and found a set of cotton pajamas for him to use. He takes it in.

 In less than half an hour, Xu Xi came out.

 His black hair was not completely dried, and from time to time, small drops of water dripped from the end of the hair, slid to the white neck, and then disappeared into the wide collar of the pajamas. Shen Mu's pajamas were several sizes larger than what he usually wore, and the top looked baggy, revealing a large part of the neck, and the slender collarbone was clearly visible. The trousers also grew a lot, Xu Xi rolled up the trouser legs a few times, exposing her slender ankles.

 The bedroom was covered with carpets, Xu Xi came out without slippers, her two rosy white feet were exposed to the air, seeing Shen Mu's gaze on them, her toes shrunk in a little awkwardly Shrinking, it makes people feel a little cute inexplicably.

 Shen Mu looked away and gave a low cough.

 When he first married Jiang Ning two years ago, the other party tried every means to seduce him into bed. It was common for him to walk in front of him wearing a half-revealed boyfriend shirt , but Shen Mu was always indifferent. But now, he just glanced at the other's tender little feet, and he couldn't help himself. Xu Xi closed her eyes, looking contented, and yawned comfortably from time to time, like a drowsy kitten .His  hair is not long, and it dries quickly. Shen Mu put away the hair dryer, sat on the side of the bed, and hugged Xu Xi into his arms.  "Sleepy?"

 ...he is not a pervert.

 Shen Mu brought a hair dryer, motioned Xu Xi to sit by the bed, and dried his hair for him.

 Xu Xi snorted. The hot bath was so comfortable that she could hardly keep her eyes open. Shen Mu looked at his sleepy little face, with a tenderness that outsiders had never seen in his eyes. He gently carried Xu Xi onto the bed, covered her with the quilt, and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

 "Go to sleep."

 He shared the bed with this person two years ago, and he felt it was a kind of suffering. Now just looking at the sleeping face of the other party, I feel extremely at ease and satisfied.

 It seems that a ship that has sailed for a long time has finally found a harbor where it wants to berth. Even if it runs aground here for the rest of its life, it is willing.


 "Get up, it's time to go to school."

 At 6:30 in the morning, Shen Mu got dressed and pushed the sleeping person next to her.  Xu Xi

 closed her eyes and hummed twice: "Sleep a little longer..."

 "If you sleep again, you will be late," Shen Mu said, "Student Jiang, it's my class in the morning. Do you want to skip class?"

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