Chapter 45

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 45 Domineering apprentice Qiao Shizun (8)
The destination of Zhao Yao's mission this time is Erli Village. The entire village has a population of only about 200 people. They are very familiar with each other. Anyone knows how many children there are and how old their teeth are. Clearly. People in Erli Village have been farming for generations and are self-sufficient. They have little contact with the outside of the village and feel a bit like a paradise.

 Recently, however, this paradise has cast a strange shadow.

 The first abnormality was Wang Erzhu's daughter-in-law A Tao. When the little lady was washing clothes by the river during the day, she still chatted and laughed with the villagers, but something was wrong at night. When the couple went to sleep on the kang, A Tao suddenly rolled over and fell on Wang Erzhu without saying a word. Wang Erzhu thought that his daughter-in-law wanted to make out with him. After staring at him for a moment, she suddenly lowered her head and opened her mouth, biting a piece of flesh off his face with her teeth!

 After that, A Tao seemed to have lost her soul, she couldn't speak, and she didn't have any expression on her face. Although she could still walk, eat and sleep, she was inexplicably like a walking dead, and she didn't recognize people at all. Apart from A Tao, the second person in a similar situation is Shitou, the grandson of Aunt Li's family. Shitou is three years old this year. He is very smart and articulate. He has already mastered several poems. He suddenly becomes stupid overnight. He can't say a word in a daze. Catching worms from the haystacks to eat, the anxious family members shed tears every day.

 I don't know if this strange disease is contagious. Now more than a dozen people in the village have had similar symptoms. The villagers have exhausted all kinds of methods to exorcise evil spirits, and even traveled thousands of miles to pray in temples outside. Effect. The village was overwhelmed with gloom and panic for a while, the old village head was afraid it would be a bad idea to go down Erli Village like this, and remembered that there seemed to be a famous "Fairy Valley" nearby, so he asked two young people in the village to try to ask the fairy in the valley for help. , did not expect to really wait for a response.

 "Fairy Valley" sent a young man. Although the young man looked small, but with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a calm demeanor, he looked like a reliable person, and the villagers pinned all their hopes on him. After Zhao Yao learned about the situation from the villagers, he proposed to go to Wang Erzhu's house to see A Tao. Wang Erzhu immediately led him there without saying a word, and other villagers also followed behind, wanting to see how the fairy master could do it. Can't save them from misfortunes.

 A Tao was still the same, she was sitting on the threshold in a daze, and she didn't respond at all when she saw a group of strangers entering the house. Although Zhao Yao is a fledgling, after all, he stayed in Jingming Valley for three years, and gained a lot of knowledge through his ears and eyes. He immediately realized that A Tao might have broken away from the category of a normal "person", and was controlled by some evil thing.

 He took out three spells and silently recited the mantra of clearing the heart. The spells floated into the air under the amazed eyes of the villagers, emitting a layer of faint green light, and flew to A Tao's body and spun rapidly. A Tao's original silly expression gradually disappeared, and her expression became painful and ferocious. She opened her mouth and let out a strange hoarse voice from her throat, and rushed towards Zhao Yao with ten fingers bent into claws.

 Zhao Yao wasn't sure if she could be saved, so he didn't dare to hit hard, but just avoided. A Tao was led around by Zhao Yao for a few circles, she seemed to be exhausted, her feet gradually stopped, and then she made an unexpected move, suddenly raised her hand and tore off the clothes on her left chest, revealing a white patch. Flowery skin. The men in the village were all honest men, and immediately turned their faces away in embarrassment. Wang Erzhu rushed forward like burning his ass, trying to put clothes on his wife. Who knew that a terrifying scene happened at this moment- -A hole suddenly opened in A Tao's left chest without warning, and a black thing with a sharp beak protruded from the hole with a bloody head.

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