Chapter 97

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 97 Amorous (36)
After Xu Xi opened his eyes, his first thought was that he is not dead yet!

 The second thought is that if you don't die, you will be frozen to death soon.

 He rolled his eyes, and saw himself lying in a crystal clear ice coffin. The coffin was tightly covered, and he couldn't see what was going on outside, and he didn't know if he had been buried.

 The ice coffin exuded a faint gleam. With all his strength, he raised a frozen hand and looked in front of him. He quickly recognized that it belonged to Yun Miao's body.

 After his death, his soul returned to Yun Miao's body, how could it be such a coincidence?

 Just wondering, Xu Xi felt as if there was something in his mouth, he spat it into the palm of his hand, and found it was an ice blue bead. He didn't know what it was, but his intuition must be very precious, so he held the bead in his palm, and wanted to try to open the ice coffin first. As a result, when he glanced casually while groping, he was so scared that he stopped breathing-

 there was actually a person lying beside him!

 It's Zheyu!

 Xu Xi looked at the ghost king with a pale face and closed eyes in shock, his mind was almost completely dazed-Zhe Yu died too! ? Could it be that because he accidentally killed himself, the others killed him in a rage! ?

 Xu Xi didn't dare to accept this fact, and tremblingly stretched out her hand to probe Zhe Yu's breath, only to find that Zhe Yu was still breathing, and her heart fluttered back to its original place. A false alarm made him sweat all over in the ice coffin, but his frozen body finally became more flexible, and he stretched out his hand to push the person beside him: "Zhe Yu, wake up.

 " Open your eyes quickly. A pair of light-colored pupils just stared straight at him without moving or saying a word, which made Xu Xi feel a little nervous.

 "Are... are you okay?" Xu Xi asked cautiously, "Why are you here? Are you injured?"

 Hearing his words, Zhe Yu's expression finally became turbulent, a look of excitement and want to laugh The appearance of wanting to cry again is a bit funny, but it makes people feel uncomfortable: "Brother, you're awake."

 Xu Xi just wanted to respond, but Zhe Yu continued: "It's great... This is the first time I dreamed of you waking up and talking to me. They all dreamed of you waking up, but I didn't. , you must hate me to death, and you must not want to see me at all."

 Xu Xi: "..."

 Dare to think that this kid thought he was dreaming!

 "I don't hate you." Xu Xi sighed helplessly, "Don't think so."

 Zhe Yu looked at him, his eyes were red: "You are still willing to talk to me, I am satisfied. Brother, stay a little longer Okay? I haven't dreamed of you for a long, long time. I really miss you..."

 His appearance and tone were so uncomfortable, Xu Xi was so sad that he almost couldn't take it anymore, and quickly raised his hand to pat He patted Zheyu's face, and pinched him a little harder: "Wake up, don't be dazed! I didn't plan to leave when I came, but if you don't let me out, I'm going to freeze to death!"

 Zhe Yu was stunned, and touched his face slowly, feeling the real pain just now.

 "You're not dreaming," Xu Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, grabbed his ear and shouted, "I'm alive!"


 Climbing out of the ice coffin, Xu Xi looked around, and was a little surprised to find that this It was in Liuhua Palace, and it was also his former bedroom!

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