Chapter 61

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 61 The ex-husband who took down the iceberg (end)
"I'm going to be strangled to death by you..." After entering the door, Shen Mu let him go, Xu Xi rolled her eyes, and protested while rubbing her neck.

 "You haunt me like a raging fire every night?" Shen Mu put the shopping bag on the dining table and looked at him intently.

 Xu Xi: "..."

 Shen Mu walked up to him: "Is it still too much to wrap me around?" He leaned into Xu Xi's ear slightly, "Huh?"

 "I was wrong!" Xu Xi shuddered, Immediately begged for mercy in a timely manner, "I just wanted to be angry with him, but the words came out before I thought about it! You adults don't care about villains, so don't take it to your heart!"

 Seeing him playing tricks there, Shen Mu snorted , Lifting the bag to wash the vegetables: "Eat first."

 For some reason, the word "first" was accentuated, and Xu Xi suddenly felt a little ominous. He shut up obediently, followed by washing and picking vegetables, moved the induction cooker to the dining table, put a pot on it, poured hot pot base and water on it, and set the dishes and meat on the plate. Take a few more small plates for the dipping sauce.  After the pot was boiled, Xu Xi poured the meat rolls in first, and when it was cooked, she first scooped up a plate full of meat and brought it to Shen Mu, asking flatteringly

 , "Is it delicious?"

He picked up a roll of meat and dipped it in the sauce, and brought it to his mouth: "Well, it's delicious."

 He picked up another chopstick, glanced at Xu Xi who was staring at him, dipped the sauce and handed it to the other party's mouth: " Open your mouth."

 Xu Xi swallowed it in one gulp. The meat is delicious, with a spicy sauce, super delicious.

 Eating hot pot on a cold day is really blissful!

 There was a lively variety show on the TV, and the heat from the hot pot wafted into the air. Shen Mu looked at Xu Xi's slightly flushed face, picked up a chopstick, and said, "Bring it here."

 Xu Xi chewed The cheeks holding the food suddenly stopped, and the eyes widened like a frightened little squirrel: "What?"

 "I said, move here." Shen Mu said, "Live with me."

 Xu Xi blinked and smiled A: "Okay."

 In this way, the two of them settled down on cohabitation naturally, as if the development to this point was already a matter of course. After eating, Xu Xi washed the dishes, while Shen Mu took the washed dishes and dried them and put them on the plate rack. Even though it was the first time to cooperate like this, the two of them acted in perfect harmony, as if they had practiced countless times.

 After tidying up the kitchen, the two sat side by side on the sofa to watch TV, enjoying the rare leisure time. When Shen Mu lived by himself, the TV was basically just a decoration. He didn't watch variety shows or TV dramas. He always felt that it was meaningless and a waste of time. He only watched news or movies occasionally.

 But now, he is leaning against the person next to him, and the other person is holding his arm, occasionally turning around with a smile to discuss the plot of the show with him, which suddenly makes Shen Mu feel that if he just watches it like this every night after dinner TV is also a good arrangement.

 Since same-sex marriage is legal in this world, there are naturally TV dramas with the theme of compassion. Xu Xi thought it was fresh, so he picked one and stopped to look at it. The gentle and virtuous man in the play who looks like Xiao Shou is wearing an apron and cooking, when a tall and handsome man enters the door, takes off his coat and hangs it on the hanger, walks gently behind Xiao Shou and hugs him.

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