Chapter 4

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 4 Black heart lotus evolves into white moonlight (4)
When Xu Xi woke up, she was already in Ju'an Hall.

 Xiao Rui kept on the sidelines with red eyes all the time, and when she saw this, she immediately went out to report in surprises, and the room was overcrowded after a while.

 When Xu Xi woke up, she was already fine, but the temples hurt from the noisy "consolation" of the crowd, and it was Ming Yun who had good eyesight and drove everyone out with the excuse that "Junior Brother Fang needs to rest". Leave a report on what happened that day.

 Fortunately, Yu Huayan and others arrived in time on that day, and none of the disciples were injured. Afterwards, the head of the sect punished Yin Yang behind closed doors to contemplate for three months, and affirmed Fang Lian's righteous spirit of sacrificing his life to protect his fellow disciples in times of crisis, and ordered Fang Lian's status as an inner disciple to be restored.

 "Congratulations to Junior Brother Fang." Ming Yun said sincerely, "All of us outside disciples are also deeply grateful for Junior Brother's life-saving grace. If Junior Brother can be of use to us in the future, just ask!"

 "No thanks," Xu Xi said, "You also hold your breath, and let those who look down on you see how far you can go."

 Ming Yun's lips moved, but he didn't say a word, and finally bowed deeply to Xu Xi.

 After bidding farewell to the reluctant disciples, Xu Xi went to meet the master according to the order. The head of the sect cared about his health first, then praised and encouraged him a lot, Xu Xi agreed with neither humility nor overbearing, and then returned to Qingfengtang.

 The inner disciples he met along the way all secretly looked at him. Everyone saw what Xu Xi did that day, and it was completely different from the vicious and mean Hei Xinlian in their impression, so that everyone didn't know how to treat him for a while. However, no matter what everyone thought, Xu Xi still went her own way, her body was always tall and straight, and her handsome face carried a hint of arrogance.

 "Senior Brother Fang seems to be a little different from before."

 "Yes, although he is still very arrogant, but inexplicably he is not as annoying as before, and his demeanor has also improved."

 "Yo, you are not tempted, are you? "

 Speaking of me, didn't you just keep staring at him?"

 Xu Xi left the whispers behind her, and returned to her residence. As soon as he entered the yard, he saw a tall figure standing under the osmanthus tree. It was Yu Huayan.

 Xu Xi raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "Why are you here?" Then he thought that this person had saved them that day, after hesitating again and again, he said awkwardly, "Thanks for that day."

 It was only later that he found out that after fainting, he picked up It was Yu Huayan who was holding him back.

 Tsk. I can really fall.

 "It's right for the same family to protect each other." Yu Huayan said, and handed over a small blue porcelain bottle: "Apply it on the wound three times a day, it can help heal."

 Xu Xi was a little surprised. I almost forgot the two cuts he made on his arm when bleeding, but Yu Huayan actually noticed it?

 Also run errands to deliver medicine?

 Xu Xi belatedly called up the favorability level, and was surprised to find that the progress bar had reached forty. But after being surprised, he was relieved. As the protagonist, Yu Huayan had a very upright outlook. Xu Xi's actions this time should have been completely affirmed by him, and his favorability rose so quickly.

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