Chapter 69

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 69 Amorous (8)
"Brother Ah Miao, are you asleep?"

 Recognizing that it was the voice of the Little Ghost King, Xu Xi pushed Xie Yunhan's chest with his hand: "It's Xiaoyu, I'll go out and have a look first."

 Xie Yunhan didn't move.

 Xu Xi saw that his face was not good-looking, and knew that any man would not be happy to be interrupted at such a time, so he kissed him several times in a fawning manner, and said coquettishly: "He is still young, he must be having a nightmare again. , I'll go coax you first, and I'll be right back to accompany you, huh?"

 Xie Yunhan was unwilling, but he wouldn't be in trouble with a child, so he helped Xu Xi untie the cloth strip from his wrist and let him go.

 "Brother Ah Miao!" Seeing that the palace door opened and Xu Xi came out, Zhe Yu first smiled happily, and then was slightly taken aback. He always felt that brother A Miao looked a little different from the daytime at this moment, but what was the difference...he couldn't tell.

 "What's the matter?" Xu Xi squatted down, and gently touched the top of the little ghost king's head, "Have you had a nightmare again?"

 Zhe Yu nodded shyly, hesitated, and asked the question: "The room is empty." It's big and dark, I'm a little scared, I can't sleep. Brother A Miao...can you sleep with me?"

 Xu Xi hesitated.

 Zheyu was sensitive to his hesitation, the sadness in his eyes flashed, he quickly lowered his head and said: "Brother A Miao, it's okay if it's inconvenient, I'm sorry... I have caused you trouble..."

 "What kind of trouble is this?" "Xu Xi couldn't see the child showing this appearance the most, and immediately said, "I'll accompany you, wait for me to go back and get something."

 Zhe Yu raised his head, said "hmm" happily, and obediently waited outside the door. Time passed by, and when Zheyu was wondering why it took so long to take something, he faintly heard a suppressed cry of pain.

 He was startled, and was about to go in to check the situation, but Xu Xi had already opened the door and came out with a pillow in his arms: "Let's go."

 Zhe Yu looked at him from head to toe: "Brother A Miao, you Are you okay?"

 "It's okay." Xu Xi smiled, pulled up the clothes on her shoulders, took the hand of the little ghost king and went back to the side hall.

 Asking the little ghost king to climb onto the bed, Xu Xi threw the pillow he had brought on it, took off his outer robe and got into the quilt, lay on his side with one hand supporting his head, and gently patted the little ghost king on the back with the other: "Go to sleep quickly!" "

 Zhe Yu was about to close his eyes obediently, but his eyes were suddenly attracted, and he raised his finger in surprise: "Brother A Miao, what bit you?"

 Xu Xi looked in the direction he pointed, It turned out that the pajamas on his shoulders had slipped slightly, revealing a bluish-red, vivid and deep... tooth marks near his neck.

 Xu Xi was a little embarrassed, and quickly pulled up his clothes, coughed and said: "I have a big dog in the bedroom, and it has a bit of a temper. When I'm unhappy, I like to bite me... It's okay.

 " Yu gave a ignorant "Oh", and obediently closed his eyes and fell asleep.

 This time he fell asleep very quickly, even in a deep sleep, he could still feel that someone was with him beside him, and a pleasant smell lingered in his nose all the time. He didn't have any more nightmares. In the dream, there was only a figure in red, holding his hand with warm palms, calling him "Xiao Yu" softly.

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