Chapter 51

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Time Travel]" Chapter 51 Domineering Apprentice Master Qiao (End)
"Golden Silk Gu, it was on you back then."

 Zhao Yao let go of his hand and took two steps back, a chill suddenly rose from his body: "...What do you mean?"

 How is it possible? Since the Gu poison was poured on him, then why--In the

 blink of an eye, he remembered what the doctor said: "To cure the golden thread Gu, one is to kill the mother Gu, and the other is to transfer the Gu poison. Besides, there is nothing else to do. Other ways."

 So... Master transferred the poison from him to himself?

 Zhao Yao was dizzy for a while, and began to think desperately. During the time he imprisoned Master in the Heavenly Demon Sect, he kept sealing his internal energy and watched him almost all the time. It is impossible for Master to have the opportunity to help him transfer the poison. Then... it could only be two years ago?

 But why? Didn't the master two years ago just want him to die? Even if it was to win his trust, why never told him, but kept the secret until now?

 "Fortunately, I thought that Fu Shenxue had a deep affection for me, but I didn't expect that he had betrayed me a long time ago..." Yin Mingjue said fiercely, "You are actually the one he protects on the tip of his heart..."

 You are the one he protects on the tip of his heart... people.

 A severe pain spread from the heart to the fingertips. Zhao Yao opened his mouth and breathed tremblingly, like a dying fish out of water, as if this could relieve the terrible suffocation.

 In the past, he would have been ecstatic when he heard such words, and suspected that he hadn't woken up yet.

 But now, he fell into boundless fear.

 If what Yin Mingjue said is true, and the master has been silently protecting him, then what did he do to the master?

 "It doesn't matter anymore..." Yin Mingjue's face gradually calmed down, and a stream of black blood suddenly flowed down the corner of his mouth, "I have reached my limit, and the Golden Silk Gu can't be unlocked for the rest of my life, since Fu Shenxue betrayed me , I let him... be buried with me..."

 Although the original plan failed, Yin Mingjue has never given up on his ambition. For two years, he has been trying to use other forbidden techniques to enhance his strength, but in the end he was self-defeating and suffered backlash. Stop, there are not a few days to live.

 Zhao Yao couldn't care about Yin Mingjue at all at the moment. He walked out in a daze, the majestic Heavenly Demon Sect Master, at this time he couldn't even walk well, staggered and hit himself against the door panel.

 He suddenly didn't know where he was going now.

 When he thought that the truth he had always believed in might be completely wrong, he couldn't help shaking, and he didn't dare to go back to the Demon Sect to meet that person. He stood there blankly, and after a long time, he finally took a step forward.

 He went to Luoxue Pavilion.

 For the past two years, Xu Xi has been looking for him all over the place. Most of the time, Luoxue Pavilion is empty, and there are few people taking care of it. It has become desolate and dilapidated. All the delicate moon frost flowers in the garden have all withered, and only scattered silver petals can be found in the soil. The flower vines on the swing have also withered and fallen off, and a thin layer of dust has fallen on the wooden chair. Occasionally, when the wind blows, it will make a lonely creak, like a desolate sigh from an old man.

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