Chapter 42

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick time travel]" Chapter 42 Domineering apprentice Qiao Shizun (5)
When Zhao Yao woke up again, the terrible pain like being torn from the wound had disappeared, and he felt cool all over his body, which was very comfortable, but there was a feeling of numbness, and he couldn't move at all.

 He vaguely recalled the cold fragrance he smelled before he passed out, and called hoarsely: "Master..."

 After a while, a familiar figure in white appeared in front of the bed, holding a palm-sized Medicine pot, use a small wooden ladle to gently apply some black ointment on Zhao Yao's wound: "Wake up."

 "Master," Zhao Yao remembered something, and suddenly became anxious, "Tomorrow's competition..."

 "Don't worry about it." Xu Xi didn't stop moving his hands, and said calmly, "Heal your wounds first."

 "But..." Zhao Yao struggled to say something, but suddenly smelled a strange smell of medicine, and suddenly became dizzy and heavy. fell asleep.

 On the second day of the sword-testing meeting, all the presiding elders and disciples of Guzhong arrived at the sword-testing stage on time, but they hesitated whether to hold it or not.

 Yesterday, Zhao Yao bumped into the mechanism by mistake and woke up the fierce beast that was sealed at the bottom of the Zangshu Pavilion. Thanks to Xu Xi's timely arrival, he saved his life. Such a big movement naturally alarmed several other elders, they all saw the severity of Zhao Yao's injuries, no matter how good Fu Shenxue's medical skills are, I am afraid that Zhao Yao would not be able to let Zhao Yao participate in the competition as usual within a day.

 Some elders wondered: "How could that kid Zhao Yao go to the library and touch the mechanism?"

 Qinghe sneered, "I have never seen such a rude and reckless disciple. He had the audacity to trespass into the Library Pavilion, disturbing the beasts in the town house and causing catastrophe, and even damaged hundreds of precious ancient books. When he wakes up, he must be sent to the Discipline Hall to be convicted!"

 "You can't say that "Hong Xing said with a smile, "I have met that child a few times, he is very polite, there must be a reason for what happened yesterday, and it will not be too late to ask him when he wakes up."

 An elder asked: "The We can talk about it later. But what should we do about the decisive competition right now?"

 All the elders were unsure of paying attention, so they cast their eyes on Gu Zhu in unison.

 The owner of the valley, Yin Mingjue, has not yet reached his thirties, but in the short few years after succeeding to the position of the owner of the valley, Jing Minggu's reputation has continued to expand, and he has become one of the four famous sects in the cultivation world, which is enough to prove that he is an extremely skilled person. people. Yin Mingjue's appearance is also very good, with slanted sword eyebrows and straight, narrow and sharp black eyes. Sitting there quietly, one feels a strong sense of oppression.

 Yin Mingjue said indifferently: "If Zhao Yao has not appeared by the start time of the competition, it will be regarded as giving up the qualification."

 Chu Hongyuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, Qinghe also showed a satisfied smile, Hong Xing obviously disagreed, but he didn't say anything more what.

 Yin Mingjue was not in the mood to pay attention to everyone's expressions, he was always thinking about what happened last night. When he came to Zangshu Pavilion last night, he saw Fu Shenxue striding out with the boy named Zhao Yao in his arms. He stepped forward to inquire, but Fu Shenxue left in a hurry only saying "Let me report to the owner later".

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