Chapter 83

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 83 Amorous (22)
Disguise is not an advanced spell for the demons. Xu Xi didn't change Yun Miao's body too much, but just shrunk the frame slightly to make the body look slimmer; The outline has been softened a little, enough to make it look like a beautiful little girl.

 Oh, except for a flatter chest.

 The system once expressed concern about Xu Ximen disguised as a woman and approaching Xiao Yun: "What if you are accidentally exposed? What if Xiao Yun falls in love with you and finds out that you are a man, and loses all his favorability points in a fit of anger?"

 Xu Xi With a loving tone for a silly child: "Since the setting says that the five protagonists all have the same soul, and the other ones are so completely bent, how can this one be straight?"

 System: "..." There is no way to refute it!

 Xiao Yun, who theoretically "couldn't be straight", glanced at Xu Xi, his eyes lingering on that stunning face for a moment, then turned back indifferently.

 So what if she's pretty? To him, this maid is no different from the previous ones, and they are not worthy of his attention.

 Yan Shi ordered: "From now on, the third young master will be your only master. You must take good care of him, can you hear me?

 " Delicate, but with an inexplicable attraction, "Slaves must put the young master first in everything."

 Yan Shi was very satisfied with his intelligence and quick-wittedness, and left after talking to Xiao Yun.

 Although Xiao Junda did not pay too much attention to Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun has very strict requirements on himself. He practiced for more than five hours a day, and at the same time, he did not neglect his reading and calligraphy. He was truly capable of both civil and military skills. Coupled with his handsome appearance, although he is a concubine, his reputation is far higher than that of the eldest and second child of the Xiao family. Mentioning the word "San Xiaozi", I don't know how many girls' faces will blush with embarrassment.

 Right now, Xiao Yun is practicing calligraphy. Just now he was upset by his mother, but now that Mrs. Yan is gone, he continued to write. Seeing Xiao Yun's expression, Xu Xi knew that she was not pleasing the young master at the moment, so she obediently stood aside and did not say a word to disturb her.

 Unexpectedly, after a while, Xiao Yun said coldly: "You only have sharp eyesight? You're out of ink, and you're still standing there?"

 He deliberately reprimanded the girl coldly, just to let the girl back out of difficulties. Then let his mother get rid of these messy thoughts. Unexpectedly, the girl was neither panic nor afraid after being scolded, instead she stepped forward to study the ink, bent her eyebrows and eyes, and said with a smile: "Young master, forgive me, this servant has never seen such a good-looking person as the young master. I 'm dumbfounded."

 Xiao Yun couldn't believe his ears.

 Ordinary servants rarely dare to look directly at him, but this girl is so presumptuous that she dares to tease him with words!

 Seeing Xiao Yun's angry face, Xu Xi paused Yanmo's hands, drooped the end of his eyes, and suddenly felt a little more pitiful: "Did the servant say something wrong? The servant beat the little one and no one disciplined him, stupid Clumsy tongue, say whatever comes to your mind, if you offend the young master, please punish the young master!"

 This girl changed her face too quickly, before Xiao Yun could vent her anger, she was half-scattered by the other party's pitiful appearance. He just said coldly: "...Forget it this time, and pay attention to your identity and words in the future!"

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