Chapter 92

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 92 Amorous (31)
Thinking about that nightmare, Hua Xingzhou couldn't help but feel a little palpitation, and at the same time he couldn't understand it. There is no one wearing red clothes beside him, who is that person in the dream?

 But he soon had no time to think about it. Hua Xingzhou is very busy, even if he is not on the battlefield, he still has countless things to deal with. He is the crown prince, the future emperor of heaven, he has too many burdens to shoulder, and there is no time to stop and breathe.

 Fortunately, he is extremely intelligent and extremely efficient in handling paperwork, and now he has a little fox to accompany him.

 Ayun is very obedient and will not disturb his work. He often huddles up on his desk and sleeps with his eyes squinted, wagging the tip of his tail comfortably. Only when he works continuously for more than two hours, will he crawl on him and act like a baby, and let him play with it for a while, as if taking the opportunity to let him rest.

 "It's okay, I'm not tired." Hua Xingzhou felt more and more that the little guy was human, and gently touched its ear. The little guy moved his ears and let out a soft voice, as if he was very comfortable. His eyes narrowed again, and he leaned over his little head to continue begging for petting.

 Hua Xingzhou couldn't help laughing, hugged it in his arms, and scratched its ears one after another. Xu Xi nestled in front of the man, sniffing his clean and pleasant breath, and couldn't help but spurn herself.

 Fallen, fallen!

 But it turns out that being rubbed is so comfortable, no wonder that guy Ao Shuo is always begging for it tirelessly...


 Ah Yun's company, Hua Xingzhou's life suddenly seemed to become more vivid.

 Finally, his territory was no longer empty and cold. A little fox barged in carelessly. It was not afraid of him, nor would it fear him or avoid him. It likes to cling to him and act like a baby, to make him happy, and it can understand every word he says strangely. Hua Xingzhou himself didn't expect that a good deed would bring him an unexpected joy. Compared with pets, he regarded Ayun as a friend, a friend that he cherished extremely.

 However, the peaceful days did not last long. Half a month later, the warriors of the Celestial Clan guarding the border of the Monster Race sent an urgent report, and the Monster Clan rioted again!

 Everyone in the Tianzu was shocked when they heard the news. In the past, monster tides would only erupt once in a few months or nearly a year. It has only been half a month, how could there be another riot?

 Hua Xingzhou didn't dare to neglect, and set off immediately with the whole army. Before leaving, he told the little fox: "I have prepared enough food and water and put them in the room. Don't run out, remember?" The

 little fox nodded vigorously.

 "Ah Yun is so good." Hua Xingzhou had already put on the cold silver armor, but his breath was clearly still gentle. He picked up the little fox, and kissed it on the forehead with some reluctance, "Wait for me to come back."

 Although the whole Tianzu was nervous about this monster tide change, they were not overly worried. Hua Xingzhou's name is a reassurance. Their Highness the God of War has already set off, and the good news will surely come soon.

 But this time, everyone miscalculated.

 Hua Xingzhou lost.

 Suddenly, a giant hydra demon appeared in the demon clan, with terrifying power and evolved intelligence. The snake demon commanded many big monsters to adopt the strategy of attacking the east and attacking the west. The Tianzu warriors did not notice this trap, and were seriously injured by the snake monster's surprise attack, and several big monsters broke through the defense line and rushed out of the demon world, killing all the way to the border of the Tianzu. The Celestial Clan civilians took action!

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