Chapter 36

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 36 Jiang Qinglin Jun Fanwai: When two as meet, there must be something
Jiang Qing was a man of the hour when he was in the military academy.

 Good grades, good family background, good looks. Unlike many dark-skinned, five-to-one and three-thick alphas, Jiang Qing is slender and well- proportioned, with handsome facial features, squinting and smiling so charmingly, making a group of little omega fans die, blushing in groups Send a love letter.

 The only bad thing about Jiang Qing is his temper. He often explodes like a firecracker, rolling up his sleeves to fight with anyone who doesn't like him. But he has a straightforward personality and is always surrounded by a group of joking brothers, making him the center of attention wherever he goes.

 In contrast, Lin Jun, who was ranked below Jiang Qing in every assessment and firmly occupied the second place in Wannian, was not so eye-catching.

 Lin Jun also has good grades and good looks, but his personality is too dull, and he can't hold back a fart in three sentences, which always makes people feel very boring. Jiang Qing didn't pay much attention to this classmate. Although he knew that Lin Jun was also very good, he felt that the two of them were not the same.

 Therefore, when Lin Jun came to confess to him, Jiang Qing immediately spit out a mouthful of water, almost choking himself to death.

 "Did you get yourself sunstroke from training?" Jiang Qing yelled with his eyes wide open, "Look clearly, I'm an alpha!"

 "I know." Lin Jun's personality was dull, but he wasn't shy, and his dark eyes were firm Looking at him, "I just like you."

 "I don't like you." Jiang Qing doesn't have that temper and this burnt-out **** nonsense, "I like omega that is white, tender, tender, tender and soft! If you dare to tell me a second time, I will beat you."

 Lin Jun glanced at him, left without saying a word.

 Jiang Qing snorted, thinking that this was over. As a result, from that day on, he could see Lin Jun everywhere. The two had excellent grades, they were in the first echelon during training, and they even fought against each other when they were fighting; Qing with a plate in her hands; even when she takes a shower every day, Lin Jun must be under the shower next to Jiang Qing

 . On a rooftop, he yelled angrily: "Fuck, don't follow me anymore, can you? Someone asked me today, I don't want to be regarded as gay!"

 Lin Jun looked at him quietly, his eyelids drooped, and passed After a while, he said in a low voice: "Okay."

 Lin Jun was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and his complexion was a few shades darker than Jiang Qing's. No matter how he looked, he was a heroic and strong alpha man, but he lowered his eyebrows and said, " Good", it actually makes people feel a little pitiful.

 Facing this face, Jiang Qing couldn't get any more angry for no reason, let go of Lin Jun's collar, and leaned against the railing of the roof to blow the air.

 He remembered that his mother had taught him before, don't be so proud just because you look good, liking is a beautiful and sincere feeling, even if you don't like the other party, you should respect it, and you must not wantonly trample on other people's wishes .

 Thinking about his attitude just now, it seemed a little too much, Jiang Qing had a rare reflection on himself, and coughed. He said dryly: "Well, thank you for your kindness, but it is absolutely impossible for me to call Alpha, so you should die as soon as possible."

 He really didn't understand what Lin Jun was thinking, the two alphas were both men, and one was bigger than the other after stripping off, so what's there to like? ?

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