Chapter 64

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"Blame him for being too cute [Quick Transmute]" Chapter 64 Amorous (3)
No one will think that Yun Miao is not good-looking.

 That is a person who came down from the painting, with eyebrows like distant daisy, eyes full of spring water, red moles at the end of the eyes are a stroke of genius, burning brightly, almost giving birth to a kind of evil spirit. His thin lips curled up slightly, his eyes rolled, and Gu Panjian's expression was even more captivating. I think there are not many men in the world who can resist the look of Palace Master Yun.

 Although Xie Yunhan is dumb, he is not blind, and he is quite a normal man. Before, he was full of disgust for Yun Miao, so he didn't even bother to look at the beautiful skin. Now his mentality has changed quietly, and he realized it belatedly. , this person really deserves to be called the number one beauty...

 Xie Yunhan didn't realize what kind of posture he was thinking about until he heard a chuckle. Backing away, his lips were tightly pursed, although his face was still calm, but the rapidly flushed ears revealed his mood at this time.

 Taking all his reactions into her eyes, Xu Xi's eyes became even more smiling, and she still didn't intend to let him go easily. He stood up from the bed, stretched out his arms, raised his chin slightly, in a waiting posture: " Come and undress me."

 Xie Yunhan took a deep breath silently, walked up to Xu Xi, and stretched out his hands to untie it for him. The complicated belts on the bright red robe.

 Xie Yunhan's eyes fell on the clothes belt meticulously, but he was half a head taller than Xu Xi. Although he delicately didn't look at the other person's face, he could feel that the other person's eyes swept across his facial features one by one Presumptuously. Xie Yunhan's whole body felt uncomfortable because of his undisguised frankness.

 "The lip shape is so beautiful," Xu Xi's eyes fell on the man's full lips for a long time, and he said with a smile, "it must be very suitable for kissing."

 Xie Yunhan froze, and he clenched his lips reflexively, as if he was afraid that the pervert would pounce on him in the next second. Come here and kiss him.

 Xu Xi was amused by his reaction, and finally mercifully spared him: "Okay, I'll let you off tonight."

 He suddenly leaned forward, resting his bony fingers on the man's shoulders, next to his ear He took a deep breath: "Anyway, the days to come will be long..."

 Xie Yunhan seemed to finally be unable to take it anymore, and slammed back One step, turned around with red ears and strode away. It wasn't until he could no longer see his back that Xu Xi fell back and threw herself on the soft big bed, her pair of watery eyes immediately turned into fish eyes: "I'm so scared when I wave."

 System: "... ..."

 It tried to comfort its host: "But this route is very effective. Xie Yunhan's favorability has broken through twenty so quickly."

 Xu Xi said indifferently: "So what, there are four more behind. "  it

 has witnessed too much.

Wan didn't dare to say it, so he shrank to the side and continued to pretend to be dead.


 the next few days, Xu Xi asked Xie Yunhan to follow him with him, not only serving him to bed, but also eating with him, as if he wanted Xie Yunhan to appear in his sight all the time. Xie Yunhan didn't reject this much anymore, because he found that Yun Miao was not as bad as he had imagined before, except that he was a little lecherous, but his behavior style was unexpectedly generous and free and easy, he kept what he said, and he didn't force him to do anything. unwilling to do.

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