Phone call

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I pick up the ringing phone. "Katniss?" i hear Johanna's voice i almost drop the phone. "Where the h— are you Johanna?" i snap. I hear her sigh. "I'm in district thirteen, i have to get transported in a hovercraft. I don't want to go near one of those after-aft-after—well anyways Katniss how are things going?" she says. I'm surprised she'd even ask 'how are things going' she's not that kind of a person, but i guessed she's changed. "Well me and Peeta have had kids-" Johanna screams. "Kids?! I knew you guys would do it! Who decided that?" Johanna sequels. "Peeta did" i say. "Boy, girl?" she asks. "Ivy, girl; Boy; Evan. Peeta named them" i say smiling. "Oh Katniss i love those names!" she says. "Tell that to Peeta" i say gleefully. "Tell me what?" he says. Peeta comes behind me. He takes out cheese buns from the oven, he gives me one. I shove it in my mouth talking to Johanna with a full mouth. He gives me a questioning look, i put up my finger. The cheese explodes in my mouth. "Katniss?" Peeta says. "It's Johanna" i say muffled with Cheese bread. "Is that Peeta?!" Johanna says. "Yea do you want to talk to him?" i ask. "Oh yes!" she says.

"No we haven't had a wedding yet" Peeta says. "Katniss' mom is going to plan it though" Peeta says. I hear Johanna's yell from the phone. He gives it back after laughing and talking. "Katniss! You need to plan a wedding your not married yet and you have kids!!" Johanna says."Peeta" i say laughing. He turns around. "We need to plan a wedding, now" i say. Peeta grins. "I'll tell your mom she'll be pleased" he says. "Hey i have to go, i will be at your house at noon" she says. I put the phone down smiling I follow Peeta into the living room. The kids are eating cookies, with milk by the fire. "We need to plan the wedding, mom do you mind planning everything while i take care of my kids?" i say. "Of course" she says grabbing the kids empty plates.


I take Ivy and Peeta takes Evan we walk outside geared in winter clothes. I see our breaths asthe wind picks up making us all shiver.I see  Gale from a distance appearing through the thick gloomy day he holds a  a gun in his hand. And he's walking towards us. Us.The kids stop abruptly , Peeta carefully picks up Evan. "What the he—" Peeta says. "Gale?" i say warily. He stops in front of Peeta. "You had—kids?" he says the last part comes out painfully. I'm glad it punched him in the gut." Yea and our wedding is being planned now" Peeta says. "And your not invited, I thought you knew that--we had kids" i say. Gale is strange these days. Peeta flits his eyes over Gale, he then finds mine. Evan has his face into Peeta's shoulder. I pick up Ivy her cheeks shinning with tears. "Mom why does he have a gun?" she questions. "Yea Gale why do you?" i ask. "I—I'm on patrol" he says curtly. I stroke Ivy's back. Peeta grabs my hand, he turns away from Gale. I hear a gun shot and the kids scream, Peeta falls behind me. I heave Ivy to the ground. I scream at the top of my lungs Gale jogs away. "HELP HELP" i yell. The kids start screaming. Tears fall to the ground, i shake Peeta. I see where his wound is, right in the shoulder. "Kat-Katniss?" Peeta mumbles. I start to cry and I can't stop."Peeta?" i sob. "I'm alright" he says calmly. I can't have him die. I cant i cant. I hate to see him like this. His face is in pain making it unbearable to look at him as i hold his hands. "HELP" i scream choking on my sobs again. My mom appears with a carrier in hand, running fast as i have ever seen her run. Without questions she picks him up in a carrier. "Take the front" she says. Haymitch runs out in the middle of the ruckus. "WHAT?!"Haymitch says shoving me, while grabbing the front of the carrier. 

The kids follow there fingers holding Peeta's hand i decide to take his hair. Carefully brushing his hair. His eyes are closed, eventually fluttering open to find mine.


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