The speech

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Mayor Undersee walks out while I stand stiff next to Peeta and my children. Madge comes after him, her face is tight in pain. A tear in a small moment trails down her cheek. Haymitch, mom, and Effie stand on the other side of us. Unreachable. I shiver at the word.

The silver microphone awaits him, and the whole crowd of District 12. I could feel the tension swarming around the crowd threatening to take me down with it. He came to the microphone, tapped it a few times and began to speak. "Citizens of District twelve I am happy to announce we are having a seventy-sixth Hunger Games" Happy?! The crowd's faces twist with anguish and complete horror. They roar wildly and the crowd whispers "Uprising.Uprising." Someone speaks out, in the middle, the center of attention. "All of the districts?!" and I come to realize it's a man. He screeched and his voice echoed around the newly built Town Hall. "I didn't get to that part yet" he said angrily, then he bit his lip, like wanting to take back his harsh tone, too apologize.  The man flinched--they haven't seen this part of the Mayor Undersee. He tapped his foot a few times, flustered. Peackeepers shift closer to the crowd, becoming tense. I could see Jack on the outer rim of the crowd, he was looking at me with a sincere expression. I gave him a half-smile. He smiled the smallest smile. I looked over at Johanna and she was already looking in that direction. I smirked...My children looked up in awe.. I wanted to tell them that this wasn't good. I didn't want them to be like the citizens of the Capitol. Crazy. Absurd. Wanting a blood bath marathon to watch. To fill there boring life of fashion.

"The participants that were in Katniss' 'hate group'--" he seemed to be struggling for words, the man in the center squared his shoulders. He continued smoothly "And the rest of the Capitol are to get the taste of The Hunger Games--to know that the games are not just a game" he finished with venom wrapping over every word. It sent a shiver up my spine. The crowd liked the last part, some smiled. I bit my lip and tried not to cry out. I hated this. Peeta looked over at me his face ashen. "Mom--" It was Ivy. "Those are my friends parents...." she guessed right. She knew everything that was going on, the News fed her that. But I was biting down the truth hard, I swallowed it away. "Yes..I'm so sorry sweetheart" I said. Then someone interrupts the loud chatter. "How the hell is this going to do us any good?!" Haymitch. Effie rakes to take his waving hands. "It will does us all good" he purrs. The crowd does not agree--they never will. No one wants this. Not even me after agreeing.

Then he lets out a calm breath his tone smooth "Blame Katniss"

The crowd goes wild, but Katniss. No one would think it was my fault. A women came up on the left side of the concrete stage, sauntering towards the mayor, bloodlust filled her eyes.


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