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Me and Peeta travel through the dense  forest making loud crunching noises through leaves and branches. The bow in my hand brings cold dark memories but on the other half good. But the good is with Gale, i wonder how he's doing; like i care. I pull the tight bow string out the man that gave me it told me to stretch it out because its new. As i walk i stretch it out. The quiver holds the bright arrows strapped over my back. I gently take one out i point it down as Peeta swiftly stops watching me. "let's see you hit a squirrel right in the eye" Peeta says smirking, i grin drawing the arrow back. I aim my arrow aimlessly all over the forest concentrating my eye on a single movement.

I soon spot a squirrel nibbling on an acorn on a thick oak tree's branch. It doesn't flinch or move. I focus on it's eye, breathing in deeply I release the arrow hitting it on the head. When i pick it up and sees its cloudy dead eyes a tear strolls down. Poor thing.  I quickly wipe it away before Peeta see's i hit it right in the eye. "You did, hit it right in the eye!" Peeta exclaims, coming up next to me. "Yea so what are we going to do with it? Give it to the kitchen for stew?" i say grinning. "Yea that'd be a good idea" he says and  takes the squirrel.

I give the kitchen lady the squirrel. "Thank you so much! We haven't had a squirrel in weeks. We don't have many hunters" she says smiling as she skins the squirrel. "You don't do you?" i say. She shakes her head in disapproval. "Well i can hunt for you maybe some deer although i haven't seen one in fifteen years" i say. "Deer! We see that almost everyday in the meadow" she says brightly. We have a big view of the meadow from our bedroom. "No one is good enough here and well trained to shoot a deer. If you want to hunt deer go ahead. Were you got your bow is who hunts so ask them for help, deer aren't light" she says smiling as she talks. It makes me smile. I didn't think deer would be the hardest to hunt considering there much bigger than a squirrel. "i will gladly hunt and ask for help! That's no problem!" i say. "What's your name sweetheart?" she asks. "Katniss" i say. Her eyes widen slightly. "Yea-- your talked a lot here, my name is rose" she says sweetly. Rose. Primrose. My heart sinks. "Well bye nice meeting you!" i say sweetly as i can.

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