To the bakery

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We were walking hand in hand when we both started to notice people looking at us again. I didn't know why. Once before we made it into the bakery's door I heard my name, I swore I did.

The bakery, as it always was, smelled sweet. This time something was baking. I looked around for any signs of Peeta's parents and got none. There were people I didn't know, and then greasy sae came to take our order and it was one person I knew. "Katniss!" she said excitedly. "Hi greasy Sae! How are you doing?" I asked while I inspected desserts behind the glass. "I'm doing great!" she said enthusiastically. I smile, and I meet her green and blue eyes. "I want these two" I said, while Peeta whispers in my ear that he's going in the back to see how everything is going. He gets swallowed up by the people that make small dust clouds with flour. A few people sneeze and laugh. There laughter immediately stops when there eyes stop on me. I swallow, looking away. Even greasy sae is suspicious. She backed up into the brick fire place, taking out a good sized loaf. "Tell me Katniss. What's going on?" she asks, while I stare off into a desolate space. I blink and catch her watchful look. "I don't even know" I whisper fiercely. She frowns. "I'll make sure I'll ask them. And to give you respect. Katniss you don't deserve whatever it is. I'll get to the bottom of this" she said, handing me the circle of bread with lemon dulce in the middle. They were in a cardboard box labeled; Mellark's bakery. Her look looks like she actually cares, she doesn't even know I agreed to the games at one point. But no one died, so it didn't matter, right? It does. "Katniss I'm sorry what you had to go through" she said sadly. "I'm fine. It's nothing" I said quickly, not wanting to talk about this at all. She didn't notice. She kept it going "So I heard that you broke your ribs." "Yes that was a few days ago. But that stories for another time..." I said, my words trailing away as Peeta makes his way to me. "Come on over if you want to hear more!" I said, trying my best smile. She smiles tightly. And then customers block my view from her.

"Katniss you shouldn't be worrying about it" Peeta said, and there was an odd edge to it. Like I should be worrying about it. "I'm done being protected by everyone! I can take care of my damn self! I want to know what is going on and If you don't want to do it, I'll go alone if I have to!" I said harshly. I dropped Peeta's hand and ran forward, and into the house. I closed the bathroom door and began to shake from oncoming sobs. I locked the door when I began to hear my name being called. I didn't care. I fell to the floor and curled into a tight ball. I started to hear weird strangled noises and realized it was coming from me. My face was streaked with tears. The nightmares were coming in slowly. It was all behind my lids. I wanted to push them all aside but they came a anyways.
At first the vision was dark, there were many people whispering, and there were gun shots popping in the back round while I crawled into a swamp. My knees were stinging like a thousand tracker jackets stung me there. Unknown hands began to drown me in the murky water. I choked and sobbed. I was swallowing seaweed, branches, fish. It was like I was destroying everything in my path. This vision wasn't like the rest. I was in it. It was not about my loved ones. It was me suffering. The person slit my throat and the dark murky water was no longer water, it turned to a dark red. I screamed until my lungs felt raw. I was loosing my mind. I tried to feel my way out of the dream. But I felt stuck and trapped while I lay gasping over the red water. I fell over finally and I fall into a swirling mass of darkness.

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