Going home

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Peeta gave me a kiss on the forehead "Remember everything here. It will bring you happiness..." My heart swelled with love. It was exploding with joy and love. Peeta always had a sweet way of words. Cautiously, I stepped onto the boat, the sadness almost sweeping me off my feet. I recited his words in my head. And also recited a few memories, it did bring me happiness. I smiled, sitting next to him. The boat started and the waves crashed and we rocked with the violent waves. Swaying back home. Towards my family that I loved so dearly with all my strength in love in my one whole being. 


The car rattled over pot holes in District 12, making my heart jump each time. I didn't know if it was out of excitement or my nerves. Peeta's hand gripped mine tighter as the gentleman who was driving us said "Almost there." I was sad to be leaving our paradise, but rolling down the window to let District 12's familiar air flood into my nose made it seem like paradise was  a million miles away. There was nothing better than it's smell, coal, bread, and Earth. This was our paradise. I licked my lips as we turned down onto Victory Hall, I licked my lips and they tasted like salt, the taste was enough to bring me back in time. Our honeymoon was over. 

We entered the house, and I immediately dropped my heavy luggage. Ivy and Evan squealed our names, my mother stood off to the side, watching them with rounded eyes. Effie, Haymitch, Jack, Johanna, and their baby were all here. My heart swelled. Someone I didn't recognize stood off to the side of my mom, then behind that someone came Madge with  bouquet of flowers. I smiled at her. 'PEETA!" Haymitch came over to slap Peeta playfully on the shoulder. "Momma we got flowers for you" Evan took the flowers from Madge and handed them to me. I smelled the flowers and let out a delighted sigh, they smelled sweet and delightful. "Thank you" I hugged both of my children. Peeta picked Evan up, swinging him the air. Evan laughed hysterically, his eyes bright. "So..a welcoming party?" I questioned. Haymitch who was silent until now said "You're right sweetheart. I drank the rest of your wine by the way." I shot him a look "So what are we supposed to celebrate with?" "Tea!" Joanna piped up, her baby cradled in her arms gave out a burst of bubbly laughter. Peeta went over to talk to Joanna's baby, Aria. Tea sounded about right to me. "Tea it is!" I whooped. Everyone cheered. 


Ok but excuse my language but that was literal shit xD

**AN**: Sorry for the small update but I've been so busy. I'll come on sooner or later to finish up this story. Yes. This story is going to be completed soon and in that time I will be revising this story and thoroughly editing it. I hope you enjoyed this beautiful ride, through all the ups and downs. The beautiful and sob fest moments. I really really enjoyed writing this story like it was my lifeline sometimes. I love you all.


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