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" I called him, he said he's on his way" Johanna said. She added before leaving "You owe him big time." I knew that was true, but I didn't know a clue what. A present? The only present he was going to receive was the baby, which was due in two weeks. It made butterflies appear in my stomach and a small smile to play along my lips, I found myself humming a song I wouldn't quite use often. Only when my children were having trouble falling asleep or where we were in the situation of Ivy-is-falling-asleep-on-the-couch-type. I hummed deep in the meadow until Peeta came in with flowers, along with my children. They carried the biggest amount. Ivy's hair was pulled aside into a neat braid, a white flower stuck in the middle. She looked so cute, her dress moved when she did, she looked so graceful. Evan looked clean and sharp, dressed nicely. Today I was leaving. Everyone was in a happy mood, including me. It seemed I was in the hospital for weeks. But it was only a few days, of which I didn't exactly count. I was just so glad to be finally leaving, to go back to live with my family. I felt much better, although my ribs still ached and pained once in a while. "Ready to leave Katniss?" Peeta asks. He knew that answer. " Yes" I answer happily. The kids hand me there flowers and I thank them.

I struggled at first to even stand. Once I was sure footed I began to walk with them. I hadn't walked much at all. The one thing that was still stuck in my mind was if Undersee was okay. The speak of the devil and here comes Madge walking in with an expressionless mask of nothingness. "Madge!" I call. Her gaze slips over to me and then to the rest of us. "OH!" she said, sounding startled. " I'm so so so so sorry I didn't stop in! My dad is in the hospital" she said, as If we didn't know. " Oh, no need for apologizing Madge. Is he doing alright?" I said. She smiles, nodding. She seemed to of lightened up a bit, hearing my acceptance. "I have to get going" she said, briskly walking past us. Ivy stops, her hand jerks me back. "I want to be with Madge" she said. I clutched my flowers tighter. I looked at her and then back to Madge, she wasn't too far ahead. "Go get her and ask if it's okay" I said, a little sadly, I was hoping to have the rest of the afternoon with my entire family. She gallops ahead to her, then stops besides Madge. They both turn and wave, leaving my heart squeezing.

We made it to the meadow just in time as the sun sat along the line of thick wood. "Isn't it beautiful?" Peeta asks, his finger making circles in the palm of my hand. It sends shivers up my spine. "Yes, but not as beautiful as our children" I muse. He grins, pressing me against him harder. Evan giggles as he blows the dandelions white fluffy seeds. A few dance on top of his golden looking hair. The orange sun turns his hair into an unfamiliar shade. Not Peeta's blond. "You have some in your hair Evan" I said. Peeta laughs as he tries to find any. "Top" Peeta helps. Evan looks at me and Peeta, he comes over to us. "Momma get em' off!" he pleads. I pluck them out of his hair delicately. "Thanks" he mumbles, turning away. He plucks more, turning towards us while blowing them. His eyes suddenly widen. "What is it?" Peeta asks. "Sister!" he said happily, bouncing up and down while pointing. I look back to see Madge and Ivy walking down. Madge with a big smile holds her hand, in the sun they are small silhouettes. "Hey Katniss! Sorry I stole her, but mind if I stay here for a while?" she said, sounding hopeful. "Of course, come on" I said, giving her a dandelion. "Make a wish" Peeta said. Ivy looks up at her admiringly, waiting. "I wish for my dad to get better" she said, barely a whisper. "Your not supposed to say it aloud, but that's okay" Peeta said.

A mockingjay whistles high above in the air, the wind picks up, helping it carry around there musical tune. I do the three note whistle that will stay with me forever. Peeta looks at me. One lands next to me, it cocks it's small head at me. I see my reflection in his small beady eyes. It's small Mohawk billows in the wind. I smile, and whistle again. It tilts it's head more this time. It bounces and then takes off just like that....off into the orange glowing sunset...the wind filled with the three noted song.

AN: Sounds like the end. But it's not. I would tell you if the end is near.

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Now I'm thinking of what to write next.

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