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The surroundings are amazing. The whole train car smells like fresh flowers. There are numerous vases filled with them, scattered in a beautiful pattern. Not just white but blue, orange, red..... The first thing mom does is take the kids to take showers. Jack and Johanna go into the next cart, food fills my nostril's as the door slides open automatically. Effie, Haymitch, Madge, Mayor Undersea, and Peeta's parents are here. Also people I do not know of. Peeta slides in the food cart, out of the room from his parents. Haymitch and Effie follow too. Peeta's parents follow in, no use of hiding.

I stay behind with the mayor and Madge. The people i don't know are talking to Johanna. Three young looking girls. Jack is talking with Peeta and Haymitch. "The flowers are beautiful" I said, sounding like I'm talking to myself. "I know right! And it smells sooo good!" she exclaims, smelling the air. I sit next to her just as her dad leaves. I take her hair, woven into a braid. "You did a good job" I said. She looks at me, smiling.

I complete turn the conversation. "You remind me so much of Prim. I'm so glad your here" I said feeling abashed. She blinks and pricks of water form at the corner of her eyes. "I miss her" she said. She sounds in a moment that she might cry. "Me to" I said quickly. "Let's get some food"

We walk in with loud laughing and talking. Peeta looks up, smiling then grins. I bite my lip from smiling, but it forms. I sit next to him at the long table with twelve chairs. Haymitch looks at me "Well you like real nice, sweetheart". "Thanks didn't think you'd notice" I said. He grins and forks a piece of ham. The table has a row of vases with red and white roses. I could smell it, I'd have to deal with it clinging to my nose all day. Like it always would, remind me of Snow. "Johanna are we going to eat there?" I ask her. She looks up from talking with her friends. She wears a fancy shirt and black tight pants. I've never seen her wear something sharp. "Yea, we won't be there in like hours" she said. I already knew the answer but I was trying to make a conversation. Peeta looks at me smugly. I give him a look with a smile. "Where are the kids?" Haymitch asks, I look over at him surprised. "Surprised you'd care, taking showers" I said. He nods, then looks over. "Oh and here they are" he said. "Hello Ms. Everdeen" he said casually. Ivy and Evan come out, hair dried. Peeta gives them grapes, they run over to Madge. If Prim were here she'd be doing the same. She'd love to take care of them, she'd make sure they were okay too. She'd give them band aids the right way.

"Katniss just to let you..know this is Isabel, Rose, and Kailynn" Johanna said pointing to them individually. Kailynn has brown curly hair. Isabel has perfect straight blond hair with blue eyes and pink lips. The Rose, which is ironic has rosy cheeks. She has black hair. "Nice to meet you guys" I said, shaking each of there hands.


Sitting in the train is like moving along with the memories. Peeta and I were at the tail of the train where we had the wide open window. The outside was beautiful and green. I could tell we were getting closer to District thirteen, the woods were getting thin. And meadows made clearings, everywhere. Peeta was staring out the window too, his eyes were full of memories. I could tell the way his face was. His lips were in a line.

Thirty minutes later we were here. District thirteen was decorated with flowers, also. The train didn't stop when there was a child sitting in the middle of the tracks.

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