Hunting (Day 2)

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Peeta sits on a rock, overlooking a rippling puddle. I have taken a wooden bow in my hand and readied my arrow. I aimed for anything, a leaf for that matter. I shot one at a leaf, I watched it fall with awe into the green deep foliage. Peeta watched with a mild interest, eating a piece of fresh bread, his eyes shinning. The sun peaked through the canopy, slicing through the leaves, creating a pattern to glow on his face. "Ill be back" I said, carefully stepping on my silent hunting toes in the warm breezy air. I didn't even look back at him, for the forest was drawing me in at every chirp, cricket, or song. I whistled my three note, and the mockingjays I heard earlier picked up my note and gracefully carried it all around. Peeta would hear it's masterpiece, swarming him around with our memories. I wouldn't let it burn me down. My arrow accidentally slipped of it's string as I jumped at the mere sight of a mockingjay at my feet. I picked it up slowly and cautiously as the mockingjay hobbled over, singing the notes. I whistled something different this time and he titled his head. The wind picked up and he gave out a warning call. I stood, the hairs on my neck rising. Something was wrong, but I had to hunt. I kept going. And going, until I shot an animal. I couldn't identify it as I rolled it in my hands. Some sort of tree animal, I figured, looking at it's claws. I wouldn't think it'd be wrong to eat it. The forest stayed dead as I walked leisurely back to where I was sure he was. No one. Not the rock or the puddle. Just more thick trees. I put my bow around my shoulder's to rest, adjusting my quiver. Was I lost? I hope not. My stomach was swaying, nervous chills came to me. And my hands have become clammy.

The bright day now had become a little shady, the sun was missing, and so was Peeta. I called out his name and got nothing. I called out again, my voice sounding weaker from the lack of hydration. It was the games all over again. Tropical rain forest. Looking for Peeta. Lost. Thirsty. My pants were sticking to my legs with sweat. I took off my hunting jacket and tied it around my waist, the air around me was more humid then ever. Then I knew. There was a bad storm coming. "PEETA!" I screamed, running forward, the animal at my side swaying. Forget the stupid animal! I dropped it and heard the thump. "Katniss?!" I heard his alarmed voice, set far away. "Peeta?!" I called, begging for his appearance. Then, a bush parted and I saw his blond hair. I fell into his arms, breathing heavily, my muscles relaxing. "What's wrong?" he asks, pulling me back. "I got lost and it looks like a bad storm is on the way, I was getting worried--that's all" I said, my voice wavering. "Katniss I got worried sick, come on" he said. "Wait" I got out, tracing my steps of where I may of dropped the stupid animal. I found it and ran back, scared to get lost again. When I saw him, relief poured onto me like the rain was now. I took his two arms and kissed him hard. Then we hobbled back, soaked.

We were making stew with the animal. Skinning was like old times, relaxing and settling. I was preparing the rolls in the oven while he stirred and mixed vegetables into the pot. "Do you know what animal this is?" Peeta asks, inspecting a chunk of white meat. "No." Just as I said the word a loud crack of lightening sounded and I heard the wind in loud echoes outside.

He poured my stew and I took a roll filled with melting warm butter. We sat to eat the table this time, and while I ate, it felt pretty lonely. "Why can't we just live here?" I asked Peeta. He looked up from inspecting the meat. "That would be splendid" he was saying in a Capital accent "But there's bad weather here and I don't think the kids would enjoy really bad storms...remember the one time?" I would remember it always. I nodded, smiling at his accent. "We could come here when it's cold!" I protested. It was beautiful and warm here. "We'd be living in hot weather for the rest of our lives!" Peeta said. "Okay. I'd miss District 12 and the cold weather.. But some day we should bring the kids when there older and tell them our times in the games" I said. I watched Peeta as his natural shade lightened. "I love your ideas. And this stew. This meat is exceptional" he said, with a hint of Capitol accent. I laughed, kissing him on his wet lips. He kissed back, and we continued our meal.

Later that night we took the syrup and slept like babies. 

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