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Effie has taken me and Haymitch has taken Peeta. We are both separated which is to much. I keep begging to go with them. She keeps saying 'it's supposed to be a surprise! ' The kids are at school which is one thing off my shoulders to not worry about. Gale on the other hand is something to worry about also, he's still at the hospital; still recovering. Not for his sake, if he's okay or not but our families worry because is he going to be executed or released? We will probably be told the news."Katniss?" Effie says snapping me out of my train of thoughts. "What?" i say. She hands me a white long dress, heavy, glittery, with white roses. "It's beautiful Effie!" i exclaim. "Well do you want it?" she says. "Of course! I love it!" i say. She gives it to the old lady at the counter, handing her one hundreds. I almost say "I'll pay" but it's my wedding. How foolish of me.

After she pays she quickly rushes towards the jewelry. She grabs a floral head band with a fleece hangover that covers my face. "Do you like it?" she asks as i inspect myself in the mirror. "Yea" i say. I take it off handing it to her. I spot a necklace, that has a mockingjay on it, its gold the rest of the necklace is white and crystal.crystal. Mockingjay , I'm surprised anyone would sell a mockingjay. Even though it looks nothing like my pin. "Effie! Look at this i want it, it's a mockingjay" i say happily turning the necklace so she can see the beautiful bird. "Oh my it's delightful!"she squeals. I smile. She buys the jewelry at the counter. Next is the ring i have to pick out for Peeta, he is going to pick out mine. I know his pick is going to be great. It catches my eye quickly just a simple gold ring, nothing on it just gold. I check the price tag at, $500. It's real gold. Effie gets the clerk to take it out with a key, he hands it to me in a black velvet case. I open it and close it quickly, admiring it's meaning.

"So you and Peeta are both going to be wearing white!" she says patting the dress in her grip. I spot Peeta and Haymitch they also carry plastic covered clothes. Effie pushes me away, as she rushes towards Haymitch. Peeta is also pushed away, so he rushes towards me. "I don't see what's the big deal-it's a wedding" I groan as he comes up to me. His breaths are puffs of smoke in the cold crisp air. "It is for them, what's wrong?" he says. "I'm just overwhelmed i guess. I have so much on my mind right now" i sigh. "You can tell me all that later let's go home the kids should be back soon" he says. We jog back to my house and Johanna and Jack are talking to each other in front of her house. Jack pins Johanna to the door gripping her wrists. "Hey!" I yell, startled. I run up to Jack just in time to see that there just--kissing. I back away almost tripping on ice before Johanna's stairs. "Oh my god, there kissing!" I say, running to Peeta. He looks bewildered, looking over my shoulder. I look to, Jack and Johanna are going into the house now still attached to each other. I smile, remembering on the beach when Johanna said 'love is weird'. I guess she has found it not to be be weird because she's in love.

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