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The guns terrify Ivy the most, every time a gun shots Ivy and Evan blink. Ivy flinches sometimes.Me and Peeta flinch. The tremendous amount of annoyance is making me angry. I want to go out and just yell at the top of my lungs; "STOP". But i can't i could risk getting killed. Or worse the kids or Peeta would run after me, thinking they could help. The ringing in my ears makes is un addable to hear Peeta's voice. His tone is soft and patient. "Katniss!" "Mom" I blink and snap back into reality, Peeta's face is red and Ivy has tears running down her face, Evan is sitting in the corner with a big frown. "What?" i ask, i could barely hear my voice, i swallow then i hear screaming. What's wrong with me? "Mommy there coming in" Evan said walking towards me, his hand clutches a deer stuffed animal. "Who?" i ask alarmed, Peeta grabs my hand. He gets up and tells the kids to be quite and to go in the closet. He locks the door with the secret key, stashed under Ivy's bed. He puts it in his pocket. "Good idea" i said. "We'll be back" i said to them worriedly, not a peep. Good. But no one answered my question. "Peeta who?" i ask again. He clenches my hand harder, trying not to press to hard. "Lush"

"How?" i ask hysteria rises, we leave the room into the hall way. My mom is in the kitchen, Lush has her in her arms. "Hey!" i snap. Just then she points a gun and Jack runs in, out of breath. "Lush is this really what you want?" jack asks quickly. She can't look away from me, i walk towards her. She whips out a knife, my mom gives out a complaining whimper. Peeta stands next to jack with a black expression. "Lush put the knife down, now" Jack said in a very aggravated voice, his veins pop out of his forehead. "Fine" she shrugs, and places it down, my mom runs away, out the door. "Mom!" i yell. I run after her and Peeta follows. "Oh the kids---wha" i said, but Peeta whips me around to calm me down. He strokes my hair down. "There going to be okay, let's follow your mom, there safe Katniss" he said but his voice is heavy and i know he must be having doubts. "Hurry"

By now we don't know where mom has gone so first we check Haymitche's house. His house is empty. Then we check Johanna's. "Katniss get in here! Where are the kids?" she yells from upstairs. We run upstairs fast and in the dim light Johanna is looking out the window. "Where the heck are they?" she asks. The kids. My heart drops a moment. "Locked in the closet, my idea" i said, she widens her eyes. Peeta glances at me. "What were you thinking....." she said and trails off. "Jack!" she said, i rush over to the window Peeta runs downstairs. He's hurt, limping, then it clicks. He's hurt but where is my mom?! She runs past me, i run after her, she cannot go after him. "Johanna NO!" i snap, pulling her back. "Yes! Katniss you don't understand!" Then her tone gets softer, "You'd do it for Peeta right?" Peeta behind me looks at us back and forth slowly, then settles his eyes on me, his face softens. "Of course-be careful" i said and push her away. Peeta looks at me and takes me into his arms, i look up at him and see vast memories in his eyes, so longing and so peaceful. I kiss him on his lips for a long time, he wraps his arms around me comfortably. I pull back "My mom is probably somewhere safe" i said, Peeta looks at me with a small smile, it disappears and he nods. I smirk and look out the window. Johanna storms in the door with Jack over her shoulders. "Lush is dead" she announces.My heart speeds. "Good now we are safe" i said, sighing a relief. But part of me has a bit of feeling for her, really any body dead. Except Snow. Snow. I shake my head. I inspect Jack's leg, with what Prim has taught me, i do all i can to help. Cleaning it and wrapping it with bandage Johanna has managed to find for me. Thinking of Prim doesn't make me sad, it makes me happy using her skills on some one else lifts me. "I can't do any more, really it would need some stitches, let's take him to the hospital" i said. Peeta looks at me for a long moment. "First kids then hospital" he said. I smile, nodding. I kiss him on the cheek just before we head out. My mom is just running inside, police surround our house.


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