Going on

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"Katniss" she repeats. "What?!" I ask, Peeta tenses the tiniest bit besides me. Jack comes to her side, pulling to face him. "JOHANNA" Jack yells "STOP". I widen my eyes at the sudden yelling, shock fills the air, clouding the room. I can feel it, Kailynn her other friend runs to her rescue. Ivy throws a roll across the room, smacking Johanna's head. I smack her hand lightly as i can "Ivy" I hiss, and look back laughing. Peeta looks at her in his dad way, sternly. "Ivy you know better than that, sweetie" Peeta said softly, he always gets there attention, to even behave. There always behaved but this wedding was providing too much freedom for them both. My mother takes the other roll from her hand telling her "That was a waste of valuable food".

After breakfast is when everyone gets to pack up in Johanna's vaca-resort wedding. But really in District 13's long halls of rooms. My mother walks behind us with our children. I stop, mom comes up besides me raising her brows. "Mom-we're not taking the train back with Johanna were staying a day more. To not take anymore disastrous risks" I said, deciding in my head whether our kids should stay too. "Okay I'll take them......again" she said, again almost a mumble. Peeta looks at me, i continue walking. It's like a crime now to leave my children again. "Johanna's train will be leaving in five" a woman's voice comes over the speakers crisp and in a orderly fashion.

We walk into the room with fresh clothes laid out on the beds. "What are these doing here? There not mine" Peeta said. "I don't know maybe Johanna has some special deliveries to her guests" i said picking up a creme white one piece with a silver belt. Peeta picks up his khakis and white shirt. I open the door and watch as mom comes out in the same. After he's changed i tell him. He doesn't say anything. "Johanna's something else" I said sitting at the window sill. Peeta sits in front of me, looking at me. His feet touch mine sending a tickling sensation. Peeta wiggles his toes in his socks, I laugh.

After hours or so of laughing and goofing around Peeta finally asks the one question I have been wondering myself. "What are we going to do now?" he asks me as we lie in bed. "I don't know" I said, and suddenly I hear loud rumbling that shakes the ground. "Ladies and Gentlemen there is a severe thunderstorm on it's way and we suggest you get in your designated area. If you do not know in your closet there is a door that blends well in with the wall, it is a small storm shelter" a man said hurridly, my heart jumps at the sound of everything around me. Chaos, the people screaming, the way the man's voice was, the loud rain, wind, and thunder. It all added suspense, Peeta dragged me into our storm shelter. The lady was right it was hidden. It was so small that Peeta and I were smoshed in together.

We shared breaths and space. It was scary, the only things in here was a speed dialing phone, food, flashlight, first aid kit, blanket, and everything else that'd you would need. Peeta grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me. "Peeta you need it too" I said, my body starts to shake from the cold ground to the chaos. There was a lantern on the floor, it was rattling with the thunder. I turned it on, the light above us was soft not bright enough. We share the blanket, heads touching. He was shaking too, he groaned. "Peeta!" I said getting up. I hit my head on the hard wall above. "J-Just a nightmare" he said. I sit next to him, I take his shaking hands holding them to the point of pain. "Sorry does that hurt?" I ask. I wonder while I sit next to him if the venom is back, but that's impossible. I stop thinking about my own sudden nightmare, that's real. "Yes, but it helps" he stutters. I wipe sweat away very gently. I give him a bottled water, he takes it and drinks most of it.He rests his head on my shoulder. He shakes as another violent shake interrupts the silence. The lantern flickers, i cross my fingers, hoping it won't burn out.

After maybe hours the man finally comes back on. "Ladies and Gentlemen" his voice is grave "It is not safe to come out with the conditions, the destruction, but the storm is gone and heading towards District 12 fast". I swallow nervously as my heart drops. Peeta gets up his eyes are full of worry. "Peeta we have to go home" I said. He shakes his head, opening the small door and climbing out. He reaches out for my hand, i grab his hand letting him lift me up into our room. Only a few glasses are knocked over our window is not broke. Our dresser has fallen over, glass is covering any way out. "Shoes" i hiss to Peeta. He grabs our shoes on the beds careful to not step on any. "Thanks" i whisper to him. My mind reels, this is all my fault, our kids could get hurt! We walk to our door and open it..........

Thanks for reading! This is my early Christmas present to you! Probably my longest chapter in a while! Please vote! And have a Merry Christmas! :D

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