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Her voice slices through the still air again, I make it into the children's room. Ivy is panting, hunched over the bed she sits on. I look at her sad contorted face, sweat has formed onto her forehead. A bowl hovers beneath her, mom holding it. "Oh Ivy!" I come to realize that she's sick. "Honey.." I murmur, sitting next to her. "Let me carry her to the couch" I said, mom steps aside and Peeta takes her place. He takes her arms gently, mom takes her favorite blanket. I carefully set her down onto the couch and she groans. Peeta urgently takes the bowl, and she spills her guts out. I brush her hair back into a ponytail. She smiles weakly, leaning back onto the couch. "Do you want water?" I ask. "I can get Ivy water" Evan said, and I hadn't realized that he had come in. "Thanks sweetie" I say. Peeta sits next to her "Feels better after you throw up doesn't it?" Peeta said, laughing. Ivy giggles, I sit next to her. Mom grins. Her doctor expression replaces her warm one. Her eyes are intent, and the way her eyes are reminds me of Prim. I flinch at the thought. Evan shuffles in, handing Ivy the water. "Don't drink to much! Or else you'll throw up sooner and more" mom insists, before she takes the chance to drink. Ivy listens taking a few small gulps. She sets it into the table, then she reaches for the remote. She strains for it, not being able to lay finger on it. I laugh, and I grab it. She grins, cheeks flushed with life. My little baby is alright. I snuggle closer to her, Peeta reaches for my hand across her lap. She places her smaller had on top of the parent mound....


"She has a fever of one-oh-one" mom announces, taking the thermometer out of Ivy's mouth. "I'll get the medicine" I said. I open our cabinet which contains the many medical necessities, mostly given by our mom.Some are from Prim, how sweet of her--I shake my head sadly. She would of been the best doctor there is, next to mom. I dig through to try to find kids fever medicine. I see the word Tylenol, and then I see Peeta's prescription. "Peeta!" I call. Before I can have the time to turn around he enters. I shake the bottle, sounds pretty full "Has your head or anything been bothering you lately?" I ask. He shakes his head "Nope". "That's good" I said quietly. "Here, give this to my mom" I said to Peeta, he takes it and leaves. Looking in the mirror, had me almost gaping in horror. My hair looked like a nest. Hair sticking every which way, it wasn't flat anywhere. "Peeta, I'm going to take a quick shower" I yell. "Alright" he responds, sounding somewhat tired. But me, I could go out and hunt.


"How is she feeling?" I ask my mom as she looks at Ivy with a measured expression. "Fever is going down, it's probualy a twenty four hour bug" she replies, and I smile weakly to thank her. My stomach growls, I carefully let go of Peeta's hand, careful not to disturb him. I walk into the kitchen and I remember one thing--tomorrow is April first. I flip the calender Ivy had made. I pin the March away, and I see that it's a drawing of the meadow. I smile this time, a grin to no one. I find a few muffins, eating those slowly, then I chase it down with a glass of cold milk. I hear footsteps and I turned around to think it was mom to tell me any bad news. But it was good news. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling sleepy. "I think Ivy's okay now--we can go to bed" he whispered. "Okay" I whispered back.

URG! I had no other ideas to write about. But if you do hit me up!

I really need some ideas. The only thing coming up soon is Johanna's baby.

And maybe some Haymitch and Effie romance? How about that?

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