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"Katniss I am so so sorry that Gale is either dead or here..whatever. Your wedding has been ruined, your kids are in shock" Johanna sobs into her hands. I pat her back trying to comfort her but her sobs become louder. "Johanna it's--fine everyone's okay" i say. "Oh really everyone is okay?" she says muffled by her hands. No no one is 'okay'. "Well not me, Peeta, the kids and by the looks of you" i say sarcastically. She puffs out  big puffs of air, stomping her feet. Peeta has been gone for a good ten minutes, he went to check if the kids are aloud to be seen. And i heard news that Gale is in the  'EMERGENCY' hall, down the hall from where we sit.I was going to tell Johanna she's not in the mood. I see Peeta's walking shape appear way down at the end of the hall, i run towards him. Still in my heels and dress it's very difficult to run but i still run as fast as i can into his arms. "The kids are not aloud to be seen yet, Gale is not doing well at all" Peeta says glumly. The tears run down, i sniff. "Are they okay?" i sniff again. "Are you--crying?" Peeta asks releasing me, he looks into my eyes with sorrow. "Katniss the kids are fine" he says soothingly. I smile, a wet smile.

"Mr. Mellark?" a nurse rushes over to Peeta as i lie in his chest. He gets up slowly, i tiresomely sit up straight. "We have news your kids are okay, you may seem them now" she says smiling. We follow her in with Johanna trailing behind. Evan and Ivy are smiling as a doctor gives them loli pops kneeling to their eye level. The doctor gets up smiling at us both. "Congratulations, i am very so sorry to hear about your wedding, that is has--been ruined. I--" the doctor says tearing up a bit. I look at my heels. "It's okay, how are they doing?" Peeta says gently taking my hovering hand. Ivy and Evan wave at us. "There doing well, though i am not allowing them to talk for some time, they don't remember what happened the night before they don't know that your married" the doctor says looking down at the ground. My stomach turns. "What?!How-Ho-did that happen?" i stutter. I go over to hug both of my children hugging them tightly.  "Mommy why are you in a dress?" Evan asks Ivy nods. "Your not supposed to talk Evan" the doctor says calmly. "Let them talk" i snap. "Me and daddy are married" i say my throat tightening. My mom, following with Effie come in the door slamming shut. Jack comes in and i pin him to the wall. "My kids don't remember my wedding!" i snarl. "Katniss!" Peeta hisses yanking me back. I choke on tears. "Katniss--you don't understand how sorry i am" Jack says. "Johanna and me are---done" Jack says licking his lips, he wisps around and leaves.

"You guys are married? Awesome!" Ivy says jumping up and down. I thought for a bunch of questions, thank god not. "Yes!" i say grinning. "So there well?" my mom asks the doctor. Effie sits down twiddling with her fingers. "It's unclear about the shock effect they had and why some memories from last night and earlier where wiped" the doctor mumbles to my mom."Effie" Peeta says. She looks up her eyes glassy. "Jack is going to pay for this Katniss" she says shaking her head. "He ruined your children's memories, ruined the---the-wedding!" she cries. She gets up quickly leaving. "Mom I'm leaving kids come on" i say. "Wait no they have to stay for a night or so there still technically in shock" the doctor says. I give him a sharp glance running out the door. I cry as i run out the exit Peeta on my tail. "We have a night to ourselves" Peeta says soothingly. "Sounds great to me" i say brittle with tears, feeling better already.

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