Soon is to quick

137 11 6

My hands continue to tremble, the kids eye me worriedly. "You--JACK YOU HAVE TO STOP IT!" I yell, my voice goes up an octave, to much then necessary. My kids flinch, I look to mother for help. Her lip trembles slightly.Peeta said lowly "Katniss we'll work this out." I had to believe him. Could I? Could we really stop this madness? Then I become more frustrated, I agreed to this. "It''s my fault" I said, when really it's all of ours but I take the blame anyways. Peeta shakes his head "All of ours." Haymitch, Effie, and mother look at us all in shock. "I-I'm s'sorry" I stutter. Peeta's hand clutches tighter around mine. "I cannot believe this!" Effie announces, hands up in the air. Mother seems to be pale as a sheet, looking at the floor. "Jack please you must tell the mayor to stop!" I plead. He locks his eyes with mine for a moment before answering "I'll try my best." "You better" I snarl, venom on my tongue. The kids back up from me, I reach for Ivy pulling her closer. "Sit in bed with mommy" I said, while Evan takes Peeta's side. She crawls in with me. "Ouch! Be careful" I hiss. "Sowy" she said. I smile "It's all right." Peeta releases me and I almost gasp but I stopped right when he began to pull up a chair. He saw my worried look and murmurs softly "I'm not going anywhere." I smile faintly, heart fluttering like a birds wings. He takes my hand again.

I can't help when I rest my head on the pillow but gaze at him. His jaw moves while he talks, which I'm not sure what he's saying. Evan that hobbles on Peeta's anxious hopping leg smiles at me. I stroke his cheek lightly, looking into those similar blue eyes. "Luv you mum" he said and then giggles. "Are you hungry?" I ask. He shakes his head quickly. "Just let me know if you need anything, or ask daddy" I said, the warm motherly feeling swarms over my body--almost covering the pain that smolders in my ribs from Ivy's pressure. I bite back a low groan. I can handle this, I've had worse.

Everyone leaves momentarily, except mother. It seems like we haven't talked in a while. "Katniss you need some sleep. Easy on the ribs. They need time to heal...And It's alright I forgive you" she said softly, her eyes bright colored and tender. "Thanks mom...I love you" I said, reaching for a hug. She hesitates for a second, seeing where to wrap her arms around, careful not to hurt me. She pats my back "I love you too." "Bye Peeta" she said, giving him an almost awkward hug. Before she leaves she hugs the kids with the brightest smile. " What time should I pick the ducklings up?" she asks brightly. "Oh there's no--" need I start. "In an hour, she's going to need a lot of rest" Peeta cuts me off. She catches my irritated look for a second before heading out. I erase my irritation and look at Peeta. Ivy snuggles closer to me, which makes the pain much worse. "Ow!" I protest. I dig for a pillow for her head to rest on instead of me. Her heavy lids close after a few dragged on minutes. "We should get some food" Peeta suggests with Evan. I frown--Peeta leaving me. Mom should of stayed. My heart squeezes, he catches my desperate look again. "We won't take long." he said, kissing me fervently before leaving.

I shut my eyes, while stroking Ivy's neck. The door creaks open, I hope Peeta but he just left. My eyes open fast. The nurse with the red hair comes in with a tray. Bright light filters trough, making me squint from it's harsh rays. Slowly she closes the door behind her. "Hungry Mrs. Mellark?" she asks warmly. I tried to not look surprised at the choice of words."Uh no" I said. When I see the bowl of mash potatoes and chicken my stomach growls. I sigh, feeling defeated. And the sigh sends shards of pain all through out my ribs. I try to make my face look normal as possible."Alright. Thanks" I said smiling. "Well I'm not going yet" she said. "How's the pain. None? Or from a scale from one to ten." I start to feel the pain, the tray in my hand wobbles. Nine. Ten. Ten. She grabs it before it falls to the ground. "Oh dear, well let's put the cloth on" she said hurriedly. She rushes to the bed side. "Ivy" I rasp. The nurse takes care of her. The nurse ushers for me to sit up, her hand steadies me. Ivy stands with a big frown, tears are on the rim of her eyes. The material wraps around my waist and it seems to help the smallest bit. Once she's done she mutters "Pills." Peeta walks in and he sees me grimacing in pain. Evan drops his muffin on the ground. "Evan!" he said. Evan smiles, picking his muffin off the floor. "Take the pills sweet heart" she said, hands filled with a glass of water and two big bills. I take the pills in three big gulps. I sulk back onto the bed, closing my eyes. I whimper as the nurse inspects it. "Would you like ice?" she asks kindly. When I take a deep breathe the pain stabs my stomach, waist... I nod. "Oh..Katniss" Peeta said, stroking my bandaged waist. Startled for a split second I realize I'm wearing no bra. And he seems to be closer then it seems to my breasts. I feel pleasure rush into my body, becoming like a live wire. I smile. "That feels good" I murmur. Peeta laughs almost silently. I hear him take a seat his breath seems to come closer. His lips graze my neck for a second before the nurse comes in with my ice. "All right my dear, prepare for the ice" she said, with humor. The ice simmers some pain down, my bare legs crawl with warmth then momentarily they become cold. I open my eyes, reaching for the blanket. Peeta tucks me in. "Thank you" I said lowly. The pain simmers down but it still burns. I sigh and I seem to swirl into darkness after that.

Any mistakes? I made this really fast. Slipped this in between homework as my break ;)

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