Visions-Visions- go away

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I opened my eyes and a pristine flash made me jump out of my skin. I still heard the pounds but they were weaker this time. Was I here for that long? I crawled to the door on the cold tile. Each step didn't seem enough. It seemed as if the door was crawling away from me. But I knew it wasn't when my hand pressed against the wiggling cold knob. Peeta burst into the room with a hurt face. I must of looked bad because his eyes turned round.

"Katniss" he said softly. "I'm so so sorry Peeta! I'm sorry!" I apologized and my tender voice cracked like thin ice. He kissed me softly on the lips and I leaned in for me but he pulled me away with a smug look. "Katniss you need to stop thinking of before and just the now" Peeta said. My heart flip-flopped at the sound, of once of again, of his voice. As if I hadn't heard it in decades. And an ache fills my heart, the ache of familiarity of missing and just wanting Peeta. It was so strong, that as he carried me into the living room I was kissing his neck. "Do you want cheese buns?" he questions as he stands back. I give him a pouty look. "Yes of course! It seems that we haven't had them in a while!" I inquire. "They sound really good right now" "Oh you know what else does?" I ask, and I began to notice my fingers that—clutched the couch were shaking. The blood flashed behind my lids and I gasped. Peeta's face twisted into concern. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine" I said, even though it wasn't true. "My favorite tea sounds great" I said and my voice wavered.

Peeta who carried a pan of bubbling cheese buns gave me a smile as I watched him make my tea. "Peeta you don't have to be doing this! I can take care of myself" He turns towards me. "But would if people want to help you? Or do something for you. You could at least appreciate it" "I—I'm sorry Peeta. It's—" I said and then his lips crashed onto mine. I heard—behind our heavy breathes—his tender mummer of my name. It echoed in my ears, it began to sound like a chant. Until the tea steamed and I jumped. He chuckled and he began to work at it.

I sat next to him, cupping my warm tea in my hands. He clicks on the television, and it's the news. As I hope for nothing bad, I smile and realize they speak of the weather. And not Katniss this. Distrcit twelve this. It's refreshing. "Peeta I'm so happy that everything is still normal" I admit. And who couldn't think so? "I couldn't agree more" he muses. I laugh happily and I take a delicious cheese bite and take a big bite. The explosion was what my life was. I'd blow up in an explosion of chaos, visions, or nightmares. I was afraid it wouldn't end.

AN: Sorry for my absence! I have been gone too long!! But I've been busy ( I always am)

And I also want to thank you all for taking a few or so minutes out of your amazing life to read and click that awesome star button.

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