This day

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This day it rains like it has not rained in years, we are all soaked the minute we leave the forest.  "Rain Rain go away come again some other day" Ivy hums. I wish it would it's like all of my feelings being pored onto the ground and never going away. Peeta opens the door his hair dripping with rain drops. Ivy and Evan run towards the bathroom. "I'm going to take a shower" he says. "Okay" i say. "I'll take one after the kids need one too" i say. He walks making a puddled mess of water. The kids also made puddles. I grab paper towels from the kitchen drying the wooden floors making them dry, shiny so i can see the reflection of my dripping blurry hair. I put my hair back out of my face so it does not get dripped with water. I squeeze my hair over into the sink as i kick my boots off.

The kids which are nude are turning the shower on. "You guys are taking a shower?" i say. "Yea can we take a bath?" they ask. "No just a quick shower maybe tomorrow night" i say. The tub is huge, big enough for them to swim tightly in. I give them there melon shampoo conditioner and soap. I turn the shower on. "Close your eyes" i say  shutting the door behind me. They close there eyes as i squirt the soap on. I scrub there scalp. Wash. Condition. Clean there bodies. Wash. Dry. "Okay go get changed" i say. I pass Peeta's painting room. He is in there finishing adding some details to the meadow. I smile. I enter the shower and relax as the warm water soothes me to shut my eyes.

"Peeta when was the last time i cleaned" i say. "Probably months ago, why?" Peeta says. "Well i need to clean you keep painting I'm cleaning" i say. I grab everything i need under our kitchen sink grabbing paper towels rags and cleaning supplies. I start scrubbing the floors my hair annoyingly falls in my face. The kids come out tagging one another. They run down the hallway. I clean my hands quickly then run to my room to brush my hair then putting in my braid. Better. I scurry to the kitchen almost slipping on the floor. I haven't cleaned in quite some time I'm getting annoyed. I scrub all the floors even our room the kids bathrooms, painting room, i then after that start cleaning the tables counter tops and dusting. After i sweep the carpets, waiting till the floor is dry i sweep the whole house. My arms are sore and I'm barely sweeping our room. I turn around tirelessly. I put everything back. I plop onto the couch the house is shinning as the sun comes in, no more dirt, or dust. It also smells great. I decide to cook dinner.

Spaghetti is served at our table. I tasted it in which is 'okay'.  I have no cooking skills whatsoever Peeta is the one who is always cooking. I decided after my cleaning break to buy some garlic bread.I saw Peeta's parents there which i will share the news to him during dinner. As i yell 'dinner' they come out. Peeta's face is surprised the kids even to. It makes me laugh. "What you don't think i could make something..simple?" i say. "No I'm just surprised" Peeta says. Peeta and the kids all grab the spaghetti into there bowls. They each take a bite. I already have my bowl and bread. "Oh and there's garlic bread if you don't like it" i say. "Katniss it's good" Peeta says. "Yea" Ivy says smiling. Evan nods eating with his hands. "Evan please eat with a fork like Ivy is" i say. Ivy shows Evan the fork eating with it. I wipe his hands till there clean. He picks up the fork hesitantly and eats with it. He drops a noodles and picks it up with his hand. "Boys" i say rolling my eyes. Peeta eats one noodle with his hands. I start to laugh. Evan does it to, again. Ivy which is always the mannered one does not. I shake my head smiling. "Okay Evan that's enough" Peeta says whipping his hands. "Okay" he says frowning. "Did you get this from my bakery?" Peeta asks with the bread in hand. "Yea--I was going to tell you earlier--I saw your parents there" i say. Peeta sets his bread down he looks straight into my eyes. "Really?" he says. "Really." i say looking into his eyes. "What were they doing there?" he says. "I'm not so sure they saw me only your dad congratulated us" i say. "I'm not surprised" he says frowning. "Well we should go out and look for them later" he says. I nod. "alright" i say.


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