"Why am I here?"

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When I was back home with Evan and Ivy I let out a long sigh, one that would make you think I hadn't breathed that while time."Katniss. Are you okay?" I hear Peeta say worriedly. It seems like he's talking from like a mile away, but he stands only a few inches from me.  "I'm fine. Just fine." I say drowsily, I'm quite tired but Peeta has been dong too much already so I have to do something.  I feel like I'm going to fall and turns out I'm right. I feel myself falling, backwards, backwards, into Peeta's arms. I feel him carry me up to bed and as soon as my head touches the pillow I fall asleep, shattered.   When I wake up I have a pounding headache, I can barely move and my eyelids are still drooping. That's when I know there's something seriously wrong with me. I think I may be slightly Ill, but I can't tell Peeta, he'd only worry and it's probably just a little bug.   I get up and go down to the kitchen where I see Peeta preparing food. I ask him what the time is and he tells me it's almost tea time. I frown and tell him that he should've woken me up. He laughs and says, "You looked so peaceful there I didn't want to wake you. Neither did the kids for that matter!" I feel a shot of something run through me and a wobble a little and Peeta rushes over and stands next to me asking if I'm okay. I say yes and tell him I have to get changed. When I come in I see Ivy standing in front of my mirror. She has a comb clutched into her hand, hair tie on her wrist. She's trying to put her hair into a braid, I realize, as I see the tangled mess she has made.

She grins sheepishly and says in a rush, "I'm sorry mummy! I know I'm not supposed to come in here--I went into your closet and looked at clothes" the last part she said sadly. I frowned.  "Would you like me to do it for you? That's how I used to get ready. People used to do it for me. They were called my prep team. Octavia, Venia and Flavius. I'll be your personal prep woman!" I say kindly as all I really want to do is flop onto the bed and sleep. But I couldn't have done that whether Ivy was here or not. I was surprised I had this gushy kindness this moment, like excited to be awake. I think, I have to help Peeta, he's been on his own for hours. The least I can do is help. I start Ivy's braid and when I'm finally done I'm ready to drop dead on the floor. But I didn't I led Ivy downstairs and showed her off to Peeta and Evan. Peeta made a huge fuss of Ivy but then noticed me. And the first thing he said was, "What's the matter! You're pale as a sheet and you look really tired. Katniss, tell me. What's the matter?" I almost break down and cry but hold myself together for the kids and also so Peeta doesn't have to deal with my emotional deals. I think he's seen enough of them to last a lifetime. "I don't know Peeta. I'm absolutely wiped out." He frowns and walks over to me, whilst I stop breathing. I try to start it again but it's not working. So I just gasp,  "Peeta... Peeta, I... Peeta I can't... I can't... Can't breathe... Peeta... Can't... Breathe... Help..." I fall sharply onto the edge of the kitchen island. A red hot pain flames onto my stomach. I scream.

  The next thing I know there are nurses in white pin ignores and caps all around me. When I adjust to the light I see I'm in a hospital room and there is a nurses walking over to me cautiously. I panic because she looks so much like a peacekeeper though I know they are long gone. But still, then she says, "Katniss. Katniss, it's okay. I'm here to help you. You're okay." "Why am I here?" I ask quietly.

AN: THGfinnick4life wrote most of this chapter *actually all of it, except for the things I took out or the sentences I added in* So please someone give this girl a freaking round of applause. She's a great author (writer) and she does not know it. Thanks THGfinnick4life. I apologize for taking a few things here and there but it didn't fit nicely with Katniss thinking or her personality. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings! Love you all! <3

Oh and btw great plot twist!

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