The instant of agreeing

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My throat continued to burn even with taking multiple sips of the delicious tea. Undersee came out and I didn't find the nerve to say anything--or to talk to no one at all. Not even Peeta. I was sick to my stomach at this treacherous moment. I had called Johanna a minute ago, she was on her way. I was still thinking whether or not we should have a seventy-sixth Hunger Games. I flinched;remembering. Maybe I should agree, and It made me flinch again. I had or would of never agreed to this before. But there was something creeping in the back of my mind. In the shadows it came out whispering almost silently: "agree". I would never. They need to know. Show them! I was arguing with myself by the time Johanna showed up, baby bump somewhat bigger. I tried to smile but it never came. She sat next to Peeta who was still as a stone, his face contorted. I knew what he was thinking, in that instant. And in that instant I knew exactly what I wanted. I must agree. Thy need of revenge. I'll show them, I thought angrily. "Johanna do you know the whole story?" I asked, my voice broke at the very last word. I cleared my throat preparing for the final response. She nods "I think we should have a seventy-sixth Hunger Games." Peeta's head snaps up, eyes filled with  horror.

I held my mug tighter as I took in Peeta's expression. Suddenly my fingers felt a burning hot, I scowled, taking them off. I clenched my jaw tightly till I tasted metal blood. He looked up at me and hope had filled his eyes. I couldn't agree. But the whisper was back."Do you want a seventy-sixth hunger games--killing innocent lives?" he asks, jaw muscles twitching. He was trying to sound calm, his anger surfaced over his words. "There not innocent people" I said, putting emphasis on the word innocent. I looked deep into his eyes for forgiveness. He was angry. And something like Blood lust filled his eyes, he got up and I could hear a scream building in his chest, threatening to come out. The next person I looked at was Johanna looking surprised "So you agree?"

My only response was a croak " Yes" I agree.

So much for preparing.

Mayor Undersee was also surprised, having the matching expression of Johanna's. Except without the wrinkles and... I trailed off in thought--distracted. "Very well then...I'll make the announcement tomorrow afternoon" he said, getting up. He seemed gleeful now, I hated it. I scowled at him. Before he could leave I stopped him, hand tight on his wrist. "Don't tell anyone I agreed to this...please" I said, begging. His eyes rounded and a sincere gaze surface "Of course Mrs. Mellark". It felt nice to be called that. It felt so good to hear someone say it. It rolled off everyone's tongues like an angel's voice. So sweet.  Suddenly I remembered someone, my heart squeezed painfully. "Peeta" I breathed, darting out of the room leaving Undersee alone with Johanna.

The scene came in fast, I pushed at it impatiently, to get it out of my head.  "Why?" Is his first word. "He was already dead!" I protest. Peeta sits next to me. "Please Peeta please forgive me! Don't let anyone know not the kids! Anyone! I don't want anyone to think I'm a monster" I sob. My sobs are heaving, my chest hurts. I breathe in and out. His arms reach around me, I feel his warm lips touch my earlobe. "It's okay Katniss. I don't think your a monster, don't worry it's between us" he said softly. He rubs my back softly. Leaving electric warm spots. Oh how I needed those arms. And his lips. I almost feel better. It's different now then the games. The games I had to kill people. I did. And now I've killed Gale. I'm Not in the games. Did people View me then I a monster?

He forgave me once, will he forgive me again?

I found Peeta in the Town Hall's main doors, sitting in a chair. "Peeta" I gasped. I came to him--to hug him but he said "Get away." It sliced my heart painfully and I cringed. He noticed, eyes squinting in a sad way. My throat swelled and I began apologizing in sobs. His arms finally opened after I explained myself. At first they felt like wrought irons, then they became not tensed and mellow. He pulled me closer as I gasped for air. "I'm sorry for telling you to go away...I don't know what I was thinking" he apologized, with truth covering every inch of his words. "Stop apologizing" I told him fiercely. He kissed my neck softly, then hungrily. I looked into his eyes thinking, how do I deserve this?! After my decision? He noticed my change of expression, his face flashed in a worried state. "What's the matter?" "I don't deserve this..." I said, kissing him-to show him what I meant . He laughed, and I didn't understand. He thought I was foolish. Was I? After agreeing on thi--his insistent kiss stopped my train of thoughts, they melted away. So he was agreeing? How could we tell the kids? My breathe hitched in my throat. Peeta angled his head, I couldn't ask him. He kissed me again slowly on the lips--then pulled back. It left me feeling that pleasured feeling again, awning for more. He saw my suspicious look answering in a breathless tone "I agree."

So I was thinking... should I have undersee lie to Katniss? Announcing that she agreed to it? So then an uprising will start. Someone will kill him because Katniss insists that she did not agree (as much as she hates lying)

I need help- once again faithful reader:



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