Wedding. Done.

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Jack escorted us back, Johanna's house has been remolded and is done. Me and Peeta clean up, then go to bed right away.

The nightmares are surreal, the guys eyes squirting with blood then chocking. Mutts come after it gets so bizarre i toss and turn. So much blood. So much killing. So much.I  thrash continually that Peeta shakes me awake. I gasp screaming on the top of my lungs, the loudest I have ever screamed. Peeta's forehead is glimmering with sweat the window is open making my sweat cool. "Oh my god Peeta! We shouldn't of gone!" i gasp. "I know I know" he whispers. He opens his arms for me to come into. Our door creaks open, soft light comes in. My eyes squint. "Katniss? Peeta?" Effie's soft voice comes in. Peeta and I get up slowly. Her eyes are wide with fear, her body shakes slightly. "You woke up everyone" she says. "S-Sorry" i stutter. "Hey no apologizes come on out I'll make you to some special tea to get you guys asleep fast" she says smiling. Peeta gets up behind as I wipe my sweat away, and stumble off the bed following him out. Coming out I see my mom enters the bedroom with the kids. Before we decide to drink we both go in the room with the kids. "Hey Ivy. Evan. Are you alright?" I ask giving them both a kiss on their foreheads. "Y-Yea are you mom and daddy?" Evan asks in his sweet toddler voice. I rub his blond head massaging it. Of course he'd ask. But he knows why I scream. But not quite all the knowledge of why them come. "Yea mommy and daddy are okay" I say. Peeta takes Ivy into his arms giving her a lot of kiss' making her giggle. "You guys need to go to bed it's late" i say. My mom opens there sheets patting the pillows. I pick up Ivy from Peeta's hands zooming her over to her bed like an airplane, giggling. I cover her body in her blanket, pecking her cheek. "Alright, goodnight Katniss" my mom says leaving the bedroom, entering the guest bedroom. "Goodnight" i say. "Goodnight" i say once again before i turn the lights off and shutting the door. "Goodnight" they whisper back.

I sip the warm tea and my body suddenly relaxes. I sit in Peeta's lap a wool blanket keeps the pleasuring heat in. Effie drinks her's too; closing her eyes each time she takes a long sip. The cups warmth gives my cold sweaty hands a pleasure to consume, so much warmth is overwhelming. The fire which still burns gives us a gust of hot air. Effie sips her last drop and sets her cup down on the table. "Well I've planned your wedding. It's done I have everything ready, the place, the dresses, suits, people, food, and cake!" she says out of the blue, clasping her hands. I set my cup down to, finished I feel drowsy and tired already. A wedding? Already.  I wasn't ready for it. Peeta gives me his cup,  to set it down. "Well, when is it?" Peeta asks. "Next week. On a Saturday" she says. "We have all this week to get Katniss' dress, and your suit. I have hired everyone else to get the food, and cake from Peeta's bakery" she says grinning. "Oh great" I said, drowsily. "Oh the effect is coming!" she says .Before I know it my vision goes blank.

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