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A small hesitant knock sounds on the door, as Ivy sings in a humming tone. I get up slowly telling her that I'll be right back. Is it Peeta, back from the bakery?, I think reaching to open the door. I pull back as the cold knob wobbles. Then I hear a low hiss, don't! I finally open it to three small children, about Ivy's age with big glistening eyes. A blond girl in the back of the two standing in front of her shivers. "Hello.." what do you want? Well that's not polite--yes it is. "Uhh" the blond girl says rocking back and forth on her heels. "What have to come here for?" I ask politely. A black haired girl speaks first, next to the brown haired girl. "We are looking for Ivy" she says. The two blond and brown haired girls nod, and I notice they both have green eyes. "Oh! Well come in" I say, opening the door wider while stepping aside to let them in. "Ivy! Your friends are here" from school . "Do you girl's know her from school?" I ask. "Of course!" the blond girl says. Ivy gets up immediately with a wide grin. "Where are your parents?"I question and it all comes flowing through. They shouldn't be out here without parental supervision! Not after all of this! There eyes fill with--shock. They blink looking helplessly at each other. "You better tell me each and every one of your names and your number so I can call your parents! To tell them your safe, and that you haven't been kidnapped" I say starting to go on and on. I stop myself, the memories flood over. My voice had cracked and now my throat felt dry.

"Two..Six..." the girls give me each of there numbers and I called. None of them answered. "They haven't answered, which means they must be wondering where the heck you all are! You never shouldn't do that! Your parents are probably getting the police, creating another catastrophic event in District twelve. That will create fear. More fear" my voice grew into a low growl. The children had wider glistening eyes this time. The blond girl's lip was trembling-about ready to cry. Peeta had come in with Evan while I had started. His eyes were slightly wide. I took a few shaky breathes then left to contact the peace keepers-- police.

There mothers were finally coming to our house to pick up there kids. Ivy talks to Michelle, Renee, and Mary. They shed a few tears, from the kitchen I can make out; my dad will kill my bunny with his gun! I will be grounded. I don't know about my mom! Peeta and Evan were standing in front of the oven, cooking peach pie. Peeta shuffled over, reaching for my hand. I took it stepping forward to give him a big hug. He understood what I was going through. "It's alright, Katniss" he whispered softy. Oh how I was just waiting to hear that silky voice. That filled my pleasured feelings. I flipped over his hand in my grasp, to look at it while making small circles in the palm of his hands. The fast knock on the door stopped me from what I was going to do next. I pulled away to answer. I opened it and the three mothers stood. They stiffened when they saw me. "Katniss Everdeen" one said. I didn't know because I was looking at the ground. Her voice-whoever's it was- was cold. A man pushed his way through. "Excuse me!" I snarled. He pinned me to the door. His breathe smelled like a cigar. My face curled in disgust."Mr's Everdeen calm down" he sneered. Peeta yelled something and the wind changed, it blew past me as the man was pushed down to the ground fast. It happened all so fast It took me a while to digest what was happening at the very moment. The woman were letting out gasps. "Peeta Mellark!" it wasn't the woman. Or a woman. It was Peeta's mother.


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